Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Getting Started on Personal Narrative Practice

I want you to think about a time that you were super excited. Using one of the strategies that I taught you to start a personal narrative (describing the weather, describing what you were feeling, or dialogue), write the start of a personal narrative showing that you know how to do one of the three strategies. Try to do one that you have not done before.


  1. “Diego, wake up, wake up Diego it’s snowing” I said to my brother. It was about to be his 4th winter. The flakes were falling like as if they were floating in the water. It might have been cold outside but it wouldn’t have mattered if it was below zero I had to have fun on this winter. Then I thought of something I haven’t done before. I thought we should build a snowman. It was going to be great! “Come on Diego let’s go build a snowman! Come on, you know you want to.” I said tempting him to wake up.
    “Okay but can we eat first I am hungry,” He replied. I was so jumpy I am glad there were no squirrels because they would have thought I was one too. We ate breakfast and put on two layers of clothes. I told my sister, Edna to come with us and build a snowman.
    “I will be right there. Just don’t build it without me!” She said. We started building the snowman and once it was done it could have been Diego’s twin because it was small. To make it perfect we took two grapes, a baby carrot, and three marshmallows and formed his face. We took pictures with it and sent them to our aunts and cousins in Los Angeles. They don’t know what snow feels like.
    “Look at what we have constructed!” I told Diego.
    “It is the best snowman I have ever seen” He said.
    “It is the only snowman you have ever built so far, so how could it be your best?”
    “Since it is the only one, it is the best so far.” He said matter-of-factly.
    So that day became Diego’s snow adventure and he said it was the best winter so far. I doubt he will think that next year though! Now all that is left of winter is Christmas and I am ready for spring!

  2. I was excited when my dad said I was going to see my grandma for the summer I feel like I was in world fool of love I have never seen my grandparent when I got there I felt like I was on the clouds that time my grandma tool me I story when she a kid when she went to Illinois she said she lived there so long that she started to cry so I felt like I was crying to so I went to tell my dad I felt so bad I told her I story that my was excited he felt of the chair so my grandma was happy so I fell of the bed that my grandma was more happy than I tout .

  3. The weather was really cold outside it was so cold if you touch the snow you would probably get frost bite. I felt really excited I jumped out of bed as fast as I can because we were going sledding I had to go with a lot of pants and jackets because it was so cold out. I didn’t wanted to get frost bite because I heard getting frostbite feels like if you were in great pain like if you jumped out of a fast moving train. And then when we got there I had so much fun but snow started to fall it felt like a blizzard blowing really hard into your face.

  4. ‘’Ricardo wake up,” my brother said. I got up without sleep. I was excited to go back to Mexico. But, I couldn’t show it because I was so sleepy. I felt like I was about to pass out.
    ‘’wake up,’’ my mom would say to me we start waking up after we fall asleep again. It is a tradition in my book. I knew today we were going to Mexico. I went there when I was 7. It’s been 3 years I thought it had been longer since we left last time I have been waiting to go back every moment. We packed last night. We were leaving America at 7:00 am. I dint get why we woke up so early. Until my mother explained it to me.

  5. One time I felt so excited that I was going to go to Mexico so I felt so glad that I was going to Mexico to see my grandparents I was thinking that how there house was going to looked like so then when we got there it looked big and it was white so when I saw them my grandfather was 86 years old and when I saw my grandmother was 82 and then I saw my dad’s sister she was 16 years old so then we ate beans for dinner so then we went to sleep and then we woke up

  6. One Sunday morning my dad told me “were going to six flags” I got so excited. So like in 30 minutes we were ready

  7. It was Christmas and it was really snowy I liked who it all fell on the grass and on the side wake it felt like I was out side standing there letting the snow hit me face. Then it was time to open the presents I went to me cousins house and see what there mom gave them they were really excited about the presents . My cousin Abigail got a pans 2, a t-shirt 3, some pajama, and something else .

  8. One time I felt so excited that I was going to go to Mexico so I felt so glad that I was going to Mexico to see my grandparents I was thinking that how there house was going to looked like so then when we got there it looked big and it was white so when I saw them my grandfather was 86 years old and when I saw my grandmother was 82 and then I saw my dad’s sister she was 16 years old so then we ate beans for dinner so then we went to sleep and then we woke up

  9. I was so happy I could have screamed. It was Christmas Eve and went down to the furniture in the living room and I threw myself onto the coach just waiting to open gifts.
    “When are we going to crack them open?” I asked impatiently.
    “Tiene que esperar, mijito,” my abuleita responded kindly.
    “but I can’t wait I said to my abuelita .

  10. Delfina Dominuguez Room- 402.(:Tue Sep 06, 07:18:00 AM

    It was a sunny and humid day I felt like if I would get an egg and put it on the sidewalk it would cook .
    It was so humid I wanted to get a jar of ice and poor it on me because I couldn’t stand the hotness, But anyways my sister Dannay and I were going to the movies she was so excited she was telling me “Hurry up were gonna get late and yesenia ,and Daena are waiting for us.! “ I still didn’t hurry up I was taking my time fixing my hair and deciding what clothes was I gonna were I told her “ just be quiet and leave me alone I’m still not ready so stop screaming! ” So then I was finally done getting ready I told my sister “I’m ready we go now “ But as soon we were in door ready to open I was like “Wait I forgot something “ my sister was furious with me .But finally we drove to the theater we ask for 4 tickets for the movie we were gonna watch .Finally we were watching the movie.

  11. It was Christmas I was very excited , I was jumping and waking everybody in the house. Christmas night me and my family always wait for 12 clock, then we hug each other my parents always makes us dance but we always have fun when we dance. Then each one of us give there present to the pearson . then

  12. “It’s Christmaaaaaaaaaaaaaas! “My brother yelled. Like if the house was on fire.
    I was so tired I didn’t want to wake up it felt like if I had a big fat cow. It was cold there was lots of snow the snow was so white that I thought it was a big white blanket. I went up straight to the Christmas tree, BUT there weren’t any presents. I freak out I was started to check e.

  13. It was summer and for my birthday we wer going to Wisconsin me and my sister wer happy. When we got there me and my sister wer excited to go on the waterslides.

  14. “Get out of bed albert, were about to open the presents ; my mom yell which woke me up.

  15. Jazmin B. Rm 402Tue Sep 06, 07:19:00 AM

    It was a dark and cold night in December. It was Christmas that day I was in my house with my family their dancing eating.

  16. When I went outside
    One day I was going outside and I tow it was cold and it was hot outside so I just start walking and my sister , like where are you going and I said I am going to walk around so she said could I go and I told her yeah why not. Then when we were walking around we saw a water pump open and there where little kids were getting wet so my sister like I am going to whet wet so I am like go hed

    Julia Perez September 6, 2011
    Nightingale school Room 402

  17. The day we went to six flags it was very fun
    The first day we went to six flags was fun because it was a perfect hot day to get in the pool and get the fresh water passing by your skin and sliding down the water tower was very fun day and then the tempeture got even hotter like 108 degrees out side more people came out, as sone the hotter it get it became more worst more people came and there was not that much room for the little kids where getting squished

    Jesus September 6-2011
    Nightingale school room 402

  18. One day I woke up, and it was a sunny day that I was almost getting blind and it was so hot like 96% really hot that I needed to get wet with cold water. That day was a Sunday. My aunt Jacky and her husband Sergio were planning to take us me, my two little sisters, her big daughter, and her two little sons to Magic waters. So than my aunt Jacky and Sergio decided to take us to Magic Waters. They invited my cousin Cas to Magic Waters. We were all packing our things to go and my aunt was making the food and my uncle was washing the truck. Than we were all done and we arrived to magic waters. We got there and than after we got out from the pool it was getting cloudy that it seems like if it was gonna rain.

    Julie Serrano September 6, 2011
    Nightingale School room 402

  19. It was a beautiful night on Fourth of July with all the firework’s in
    The night sky, it was like people coloring the sky, I was excited to do
    Some firework’s, so I told my dad if I can light a firework so he said I could so he told me to light the fire crackers.So I lighted a lot of them
    It was like a bomb.

  20. Once I went to six flags I was so excited I kept asking my dad when are we going to go

  21. One time that I went to put on my sister computer. My mom was going with me in the morning it cloudy and my mom said it was not going to stop it was so cloudy that the sun could not even peck. Do I have to go to go mom yes you have to because you have to do I was trying to persuade mom. My sisters told me stop being a brat start to act like yourself. I am trying to but you have to do it fast like a cheetah .Well only if you do that fast. Find but next I am not going to take you. Trinidad Ruiz.

  22. It was a perfect sunny day. It was not to hot or cold. I could hear my cousins playing ball with my brother.I could smell the eggs my mom was makeing. I saw some birds and I was so excited that I kept asking my dad, "when are we going to go to Six Flags?"

  23. "Get up Albert,were going to opened the presents!" yelled my mom.
    "Aye give me five more minutes," I said. I pulled my pillow over and tried to sleep. But just that moment my little brother comes in and starts hiting me with a pillow.
    "Why are you hiting me ,I said.
    "I'm hiting you because mom said to,for we can open the presents",my brother said.
    "But why me, I said."

  24. I was asking for a game and my mom and dad said, "no, you have to study" and I said, "OK, I will study..." I was too disappointed to even say study but it was a good idea because I got a hundred on my test.

  25. Javier Mendoza 401Wed Sep 07, 07:14:00 AM

    “Are we there yet?” I said.
    “No and stop asking or I’ll turn the car around!” my dad said.
    We were on our way to see my dad’s favorite idol. His name is Bret Hart. My dad has been waiting for years for Bret Hart to come to Chicago, Illinois. “Yes were here!” said my dad.
    The line was longer than I could have ever thought it would be. “This is going to take forever!” he said.
    It took at least 20 minutes before we got in. It felt like I had to sleep over night just to see this guy.
    “Finally, can I have two tickets?”
    “Twenty-five dollars each sir.”
    My dad went a little crazy at first but then he thought about it.
    “Forget it, too much money.”

  26. Malik J room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:15:00 AM

    I felt sad as we went outside to go to my grandfather’s funeral. I was dreary after a long night because I couldn’t sleep. It was hard for me to realize what happened because I just couldn’t believe it. I felt mad because I thought I could have stooped this even though I knew I couldn’t. I kept telling myself it wasn’t my fault, but I was too sad to think clearly. I kept saying it’s not your fault, but I wouldn’t listen. I felt horrible, I wish I could have went back to sleep and none of this could have happened.

  27. Jocelyn G. Room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:17:00 AM

    It was a beautiful day. The sky was blue and the clouds looked white. The sun was smiling at me. The sun was bright. The sun was so bright I had to wear sun glasses. The day was young and beautiful.

  28. One morning I woke up , it was Saturday morning it was very sunny when I was laying down on my bed you could feel the sun hiting on your head and arms it was like your were burning. My uncle had promised us he was going to take us to the beach, the trip was still on.
    All of sudden the sky got black and you could see lighting up on the sky my aunt said we were not going anywhere any more. When we got home we got everything of the car then it started raining really hard we were getting wet in the rain!!!!!!
    We got inside on changed we ate hot dogs and the 20mins. Later we were all saying that we wanted to go to the beach and they took us!!! When we got there is was beautiful the sky was kind of red, orange, yellow it was so sunny and pretty it was like if you were on a movie.

  29. “Are we there yet?” I said.
    “No and stop asking or I’ll turn the car around!” my dad said.
    We were on our way to see my dad’s favorite idol. His name is Bret Hart. My dad has been waiting for years for Bret Hart to come to Chicago, Illinois. “Yes were here!” said my dad.
    The line was longer than I could have ever thought it would be. “This is going to take forever!” he said.
    It took at least 20 minutes before we got in. It felt like I had to sleep over night just to see this guy.
    “Finally, can I have two tickets?”
    “Twenty-five dollars each sir.”
    My dad went a little crazy at first but then he thought about it.
    “Forget it, too much money.”

  30. Christian M. 401Wed Sep 07, 07:17:00 AM

    The time I was super excited was when I heard my teacher say “your passing”. When I heard that I wanted to jump out of my pants a run naked in the hall. I wanted to jump out the window naked. My first thought was “YES! YES! YES! Am passing. This is the time I was so excited because I was entering middle school. The bad part was I didn’t want the teacher I was going to, but she was the best teacher I had because she doesn’t scream and she’ nice.

  31. Jennifer L. Room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:18:00 AM

    It was a really hot day! It felt like if you were in a hot desert! Though the good thing about this weather was the fresh air blowing into our faces! Every Time there is weather like this I bet people would love to go somewhere to enjoy it! I would also love to enjoy this weather, I mean why not?

    Sometimes at this weather, I like to go to the park with my friends! To enjoy it and have fun! When there is weather like this, I say to myself,’’ I love this precious weather’’! I would love to do all sort of things at the same time, but you can’t.

  32. Analisa C. Room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:18:00 AM

    I’m at school and it was an exited day because my nephew was going to be born that day. I didn’t know when he was going to be born so I was so anxious to know. I was also nervous about that. I was waiting and waiting. And then I didn’t want to use the phone or nothing because I wanted to know if my nephew would be born. I was so anxious every hour. I couldn’t let go of the phone. I was thinking how big will he be? What color eyes is going to have? I had a lot of questions. Then we got a call and it was my mom and she said “Analisa you have a new nephew”. I was so happy about that. I had to wait like 3 days to see my nephew because the doctor said. So finally he comes and they tell me that his name is Issaiah. I was so excited to finally hold him.

  33. aron j. room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:18:00 AM

    Hi it me again ARON J .the time I was super excited was when. I was really excited when i found out I was going to san Francisco del oro Chihuahua . I really like going there because I really remember awesome moments’. We don’t go there to waste time we usually go in emergencies. I really like going almost every night is chili and cool. When it’s sunny I go play when it rains I read whenever it rains too much I look outside and think about the times of me and what have I done. I’m ready for next year .

  34. It was a dark, warm night in Chicago when my mom told me “were going to the airport to pick up your grandma”. I was very excited. In my head I was I was thinking it’s been like 8 months since I last seen her. How would she be, would she look different, would she look skinnier or fatter I didn’t know. I was very curious if she got a tan or not.
    Me and my brother hurried in getting dressed and ask our parents if we’re going to leave they said yes, so we got in our van and went to the Midway Airport. When we got there we parked in Front of an Exit. We waited for 10 minutes when we went to look for her in other exits. When we looked towards the right I saw her.

  35. The time I was super excited was when i first got on a horse. I got on the horse and the lady told me “if you want it to turn tug on the rope, but if you want to stop pull it back “. My horses name was Flapjack. I got on him and I was scared but excited because he was big and tall and in never been on a horse by myself. I only rode horse when I was small. We started to go and my horse was moving I was nervous because what if I fall what if I stop and I lose the rest of the horses and I’m alone. I was doing fine then and my horses was doing good nothing went wrong, but then he started to eat in the middle of the tour and I was getting scared because I didn’t know want to do then the lady that was telling us the tour said to “ pull on the rope really hard “. I was glad that worked after then the tour was done and I was happy.

  36. jasmine s room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:20:00 AM

    Last winter it was windy and cold the day I woke up I look outside and it was snowy I ran down steers and said ‘mom, mom! She woke up and said what happen I said it is snowing outside. And also cold, windy.

  37. It was summer nice with a slight breeze in the air not cold just a nice breeze. Will me my mom and dad and 2 Friends were sitting in the car on our way to Six flags I was in the middle like always because I was of course the smallest and my mom the small one sites in the middle I said that’s not fair I used to say all she said ‘Will life not fair ‘ We got there it was nice we took I wile to get there because my dad took the wrong way.
    I was Happy like almost always we stayed in a hotel for the night I was so happy it took a long time to fall asleep. The next day was fun and scary I want to go back this year.

  38. lydia huijon 401Wed Sep 07, 07:20:00 AM

    The time I was super exited was when I went to Florida. “Come on its time to leave “my mom said.
    “It’s time already?” I moaned I didn’t want to wake up I was so tired I couldn’t even open my eyes.
    “Ok then you will stay here while we do have fun in Florida” my mom said trying to wake me up.
    “OK I am up” I said with a rush. I was super exited to be going to Florida I just wanted to go on all the rides, games, parks, pools. I was so excited that I just wanted to scream.
    “I thought u were tired Lydia “mom said
    “ ya because I was tired but not any more I’m so excited to go I just want to scream mom”
    “Ok but hurry up were leaving in 20 minutes” she said
    “Yes mom” I say.

  39. It was a sunny day outside for gym when we heard the teacher saying that gym was cancel for today just then I thought of an idea that we could have a dodge ball competition with another class none of the classes accepted it only one class did an eight graders class we were so nurves chilling our bones against the big guys one of the eight graders said before starting the game he said ‘were going to crush like little ants he said then the game started the eight graders pushed us and had strike out like 20 of our teammates there were only 5 against18

  40. I remember when I was so excited that I wanted to scream because I was getting my new dog, I was getting a Blue Nose Pit bull! I was so happy when my brother bought the dog for me, and when he brought the dog to the house! The dog was really a baby still. My brother said ‘’you better take care of that dog’’. I’m so excited I got the dog that I’m not even paying attention to my brother. I said to my brother I won’t ever let anything happen to my dog! ‘’I’ve always wanted a Blue Nose Pit bull, & now I got one! Blue Nose Pit Bulls are my favorite dogs! I love my dog!

  41. Daisy C room 401Wed Sep 07, 07:21:00 AM

    It was a loud and scary night for the day of the dead’s
    My grams told me that the day of the dead’s the people
    That died they come out of their graves and visit their family
    . first I couldn’t believe it and my grams put the cup
    Of water and like if someone through it and the pieces
    Glass smashed into the floor and I started to scream and
    My grams took me in her arms and said it all right

  42. Aileen R. Room401Wed Sep 07, 07:22:00 AM

    It was a snowy day outside. It was cold because it was a winter morning. It sounded so lonely outside because other times you could hear the birds but not that day. I was surprised so I went to check outside. When I opened the back yard door to go outside I saw a lot of snow, it was like up to my knees so I went running inside my house.
    When I went inside I went to go call my sister. My sister was still sleeping and I was trying to wake her out so we could go outside but she said , “leave me alone” and I didn’t want to leave her alone because she was the only one that always go outside with me because my other sister doesn’t. I kept bothering her but she still didn’t listen.
    About have an hour had passed and then she woke up. And I told her “come on lets go outside there is a lot of snow “ and she looked outside the window and she said lets go outside. And we spend the whole day outside.

  43. When I was happy I remember that I was excited that I had a little brother. When I looked at him he look like my dad I don’t know if it’s a good thing or bad thing I’m only kidding . I had in my mind the things I can play with him like playing soccer with him. I knew I was not the little one anymore it’s a good thing sometimes .His 3 years old know we had our fights that what brother are for right.

  44. Michelle G. Room:401Wed Sep 07, 07:23:00 AM

    It was a beautiful autumn day. The air was cold but it soothed me. I could feel the cool wind pushing my hair back. The air smelled crisp and it was starting to get that Halloween scent. It was starting to get dark outside, but it was the perfect time to go to the carnival.

    My brother’s god father was going to take us to the carnival. When he told us the news I felt so excited I felt that I was going to jump out of my shoes. I ended up having a good time that day.

  45. It was a stormy day outside. it was ugly, pouring, and wet .i couldn’t do anything. I was bored and very sad. The wind was blowing very, very hard. There was puddles everywhere. while inside im sitting by the window trying to think of something to do. my dog was barking so loud that I couldn’t here myself thinking . Hes scared of thunder and lighting.
    When I went to my room I called my cousin and said “I don’t know what to do and I m bored” .”let’s have a picnic inside” .

  46. As I woke up trough a misty ,bird chirping, sunny morning my mom called out from the kitchen “hurry your going to be late for school “.
    I will never be late for school I said to myself in a low tone whispering voice. When I stood up to wash my teeth I heard the doorbell ringing (ding –dong) it was strange to me because its only 8:am and the mail doesn’t come until Tuesday which is tomorrow. I changed fast and went downstairs running every step I took the louder the familiar voice got I went straight to the living room and there on the couch was the mystery person my aunt Sophia my mom and her were talking about how aunt Sophia was getting married I tought to myself getting married while I was thinking my mom told “should I drive you to school “ and I said no .
    When I got back from school I realized we were mavy going to do something for her when I got home I took of my shoes hanged my bag on the hangers and when into the kitchen I asked her and she said I was going to be the flower girl when I heard the news I was excited that day went magnificent I said I would always remember that day forever.

  47. The time when I was super excited was when I went to Texas. I woke up feeling tired and sleepy because I didn’t go to sleep till 1.00am because I was watching a fight on TV. Then I went to brush my teeth and ate breakfast I almost fell asleep in my cereal. Then my dad tells me that where going to Texas. I knew what he said but I barley felt like answering then I said what you say. And then the same thing at first I thought he was joking but when I saw his face he wasn’t.

  48. I remember when I was super exciting was when I went to navy pier with my uncle, cousin and my brother. In Sunday it was a cloudy day we were going to watch the dark night in the afternoon. Man I can wait were going to watch the movie I said in a happy way. I think you have to stop my brother said let’s start picking up are chores. Later on we watch the movie and I had a smile on my face. My brother told me dude are you okay I said I just like the movie

  49. I was thinking of the best day of my life which I don’t know yet. I think it is the time I turned six. I think because when I woke up that beautiful morning .They sang happy birthday to me in Spanish and when they were done with the Spanish one they sang it in English . It looked cloudy outside but I didn’t care because all my family was already inside the house . I took a shower and then I put on my new clothes they bought me. When we were about to eat the cake I started to play with my little cousin Emanuel .When we were done we were about to eat the cake I had to open my presents. I was very excited we started to sing happy birthday they said to bite the cake I did but I had a feeling they were going to push me in the cake. They did I started laughing then crying because the cake got inside my ears and my nose I had to go take a shower. I did the cake from my nose got out but the cake inside my ears couldn’t get out I tolled my mom .she said don’t worry we would take it out I was like okay . I had fun in my party I was excited and kind of worried because of the cake inside of my ear. They tolled me to start dancing but I didn’t want to and then they started dancing and I was playing with my cousins.

  50. Genesis Estrella 407Thu Sep 08, 07:18:00 AM

    It was sunny and beautiful and the sky a beautiful shade of blue. The Caribbean Sea had captured my eye with its beautiful, crystal clear shade of turquoise. I couldn’t believe my eyes after seeing the blue ocean hit with the sunny shadows. It was boiling outside with a light breeze that smelled just like pina colada with a touch of strawberry. I could hear the waves hitting the sand. That sand was beautiful with its white color and its soft texture. It was paradise, with clear water and white sand to melt your soul. I was looking at the waves that made you calm, a bit like getting a mental massage. But I was happy and I everyone knew, I’m in Cancun, Mexico!
    “Are you happy tita?” My sister said. She had a nickname for me.
    “Of course!” I said
    It was a beautiful and I couldn’t want anymore because everything was in front of me.

  51. was thinking of the best day of my life which I don’t know yet. I think it is the time I turned six. I think because when I woke up that beautiful morning .They sang happy birthday to me in Spanish and when they were done with the Spanish one they sang it in English . It looked cloudy outside but I didn’t care because all my family was already inside the house . I took a shower and then I put on my new clothes they bought me. When we were about to eat the cake I started to play with my little cousin Emanuel .When we were done we were about to eat the cake I had to open my presents. I was very excited we started to sing happy birthday they said to bite the cake I did but I had a feeling they were going to push me in the cake. They did I started laughing then crying because the cake got inside my ears and my nose I had to go take a shower. I did the cake from my nose got out but the cake inside my ears couldn’t get out I tolled my mom .she said don’t worry we would take it out I was like okay . I had fun in my party I was excited and kind of worried because of the cake inside of my ear. They tolled me to start dancing but I didn’t want to and then they started dancing and I was playing with my cousins.

  52. The day was sunny and raining most of the time. I was super excited about going to Mexico it’s been 2 or 3 years that I’ve gone there. I felt excited to finally go there from all this time.
    It was really sunny and hot in Mexico. My brother was playing soccer with my cousin. I was just walking around the neighborhood.
    “Don’t go too far”. My mom said in Spanish.
    “Ok” I said in Spanish.
    My brother and my cousin came with me for a reason I don’t know.
    My cousin said. “We are here to guide you through the pueblo so you won’t get lost.
    “Yeah right”. I said
    We walked so much are feet hurt. So we headed back. It was cool because there was a parade in the pueblo.
    Then we left because we were just visiting

  53. Destiny Gonzalez rm.407Thu Sep 08, 07:18:00 AM

    It was a warm sunny day. It was a perfect day for the beach. It was not to hot or too cold.

  54. Christopher R 407Thu Sep 08, 07:19:00 AM

    “I can’t wait anymore mom”.
    “Well you’re going to have to wait,” my mom said angry like.
    “Alright mom I’ll wait but I don’t want to”.
    I was so excited for Christmas because I want to see what I got from my mom and dad. Even though I don’t want to ruin the surprise I really want to open my gifts. I’m so anxious that I almost opened one. If I open one though I will get in big trouble.
    So even though I wanted to open one I didn’t and saved my life from no presents.

  55. On a Saturday my family decided to go to a museum .When we got out the wind was so strong it could blow a tree away.
    When we got to the museum there was a person that told sold the tickets .When we bought them we headed inside there were a lot of pictures and paintings of dinosaurs .
    “Wow” said my sisters
    “Kids don’t touch anything” said my dad

  56. I was thinking that it was the best day of my life. They told me a day before so I did all the things I needed for it. I felt so excited that my head would explode from excitement. My sister and I went to the store but we were so happy that we could run back and forth in a second or two. My hearth was pumping so hard that it felt as if it was coming out. My sister felt the same way. I started to jump on top of beds. For some reason I had a lot of energy. I started to do a “happy dance” with my sister we did that because we were so excited to go there with my friends. It was my first time going there, so that’s why I was excited to go there. I started to scream all over the room and of course my sister was the same as I was and we both started to scream.

  57. “Adark get ready we don’t want to be late for Aswin’s graduation,” Mom said
    “I can’t find my shoes,” I said
    “Mom I’m hungry,” Evelyn said
    Everyone at home was rushing to get to my big brothers graduation.
    “Adark I found your shoes,” Evelyn said
    “Kids are you almost ready,” Mom said
    “Where were they,’ I said
    “In the kitchen,” Evelyn said
    After thirty minutes of preparing we finally left to pick up my older sister.
    “Evelyn call your sister on my phone,” Mom said
    “Adark pass me the phone,” Evelyn said
    “Catch,” I said
    I was so excited on seeing my big brother graduate
    It took us awhile to get there because we got lost when we got there it had barely started.
    “Hi Britza and Montey,” I said
    “Hi,” They both responded
    The graduation took 2-3 hours but it was worth it to see my brother

  58. Miguel Gutierrez room 407Thu Sep 08, 07:20:00 AM

    It was a sunny day by the time it started to rain and it was dark outside like a solar eclipse. A few minutes passed and it stopped and started to get humid

    I'm goanna go get the five pizza boxes so we could do the contest for later on rest your stomach.
    Wana go with me ok

  59. Alejandra M. 407Thu Sep 08, 07:20:00 AM

    “Ok” You could have your Birthday Party....”my mom said
    “OMG! For real? Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!”I said
    “But you have to organize everything and I will buy the stuff like whatever cake you like or balloons or food etc.” my mom said serious
    “OK! Mom thank you so much!” I said screaming. I stared to think but what if it is to much work I will probably need someone to help me I’m only ten then I got a brilliant idea.
    I quickly went to grave the nearest phone in my house and called my cousin (ring...ring...ring) “Hello?” my cousin said like if she dint know me.
    “Hi Alondra (my cousin) you want to help me for my party ?”I said

  60. “What do want a party or a video game choose wisely “those were my mom’s words I was confused I did not know what to choose should I choose a party or a video game.
    “I decided I want a video game mom “.I felt sad that people going to the party are not going after all well It was my decision.IT was a great day for a party but it went for my video game.

  61. gabriela meza 407Thu Sep 08, 07:20:00 AM

    Gaby, get up you don’ want to be unprepared when your aunt picks you up “my mom said over my door. “Okay I am up “I said not wanting to get up.
    I eat some break fest, I was still a little sleepy but I did not mind because today I was going to six flags with my aunt ant by two cousins. Then I brushed my teeth I looked my sale in the mirror I looked really excited about going to six flags for the first time the best thing was that I am going the day before Halloween so they were going to do this thing where zombies are trying to scare (there are people dress up) .I got changed then my aunt called she said that she will pick us up in like 5 minutes so we waited until she came .she called aging to tell us that she was in front of our house I was so existed I almost fainted .

  62. lesley G room 407Thu Sep 08, 07:20:00 AM

    Lesley Garcia sept.8, 2011
    Nightingale school Mr. Barr

    ‘’mom I can’t find my ticket’’
    I said with a nervous look on my face because I thought she would get mad.’’ I have them already don’t worry you finish packing’’ my mom said with worry because she couldn’t find her favorite shirt that was a black and white flower on it. ‘’I’m done!” I said.
    2 hours later we were at my grandpa’s car with the a.c. on because it was so hot. I was so excited to go on my vacation to key lime cove it was my first one since I gone in since I was small I was going to have fun.

  63. Once I went to lake Michigan I was excited because I had never been there the sky was blue the sun was shining bright it was nice day we packed up some things we went in the Once I went to lake car we were leaving it was at first but then it got boring it took three hours to get there we started to play I spy

  64. “Come on destinie, hurry up before mom starts to freak out, WALK FASTER.”
    “So what if she does she doesn’t yell at me anyways, Said my sister destinie
    “Yeah but who does she yell at ME not YOU.”
    “SO what she yelled at you so many times before I’d think you’re used to it by now.”
    “Well I’m not okay.”
    “Whatever how much longer"
    “Umm destinie”

    We went inside the house and my mom said guess where we are going

  65. “Anna wakes up” five more minutes please? “NO we have to leave now”! “Let the girl sleep” commanded my dad. “Ok fine”! Five more minutes my mom walked away .After five minutes my dad woke me up .Dad can I have ten more minutes? “NO” he said i shrugged. Now get changed don’t want to be late. Late for what? I asked my dad tuned and walk away to wake up my brother and sister .After i was done changing I went down for breakfast .”No” Ana you don’t have to eat come on we have to leave .”ok” wile we where in the car i took hour! And we were at a hotel it was to so fun since it was winter they opened the inside pool.

  66. It was 11:00 pm it was cold and chilly. Finally last day of the year saying good bye
    To 2010 and ready to say hello to 2011. My family members were all there we
    were playing ,talking and eating. We were watching the t.v for the countdown
    I was so excited I was going to yell. We were all getting ready all the adults
    serve there self wyne or wisky . My mom brought grapes she said “eat 11 grapes
    to give you luck for this new year.” It was time for the countdown.5,4,3,2 and 1.
    Happy New Years! Everyone shout we try to eat the grapes as fast as we could.
    We sleep until 6:00 am. It was a very excited day for me.

  67. Anthony M Room 407Thu Sep 08, 07:22:00 AM

    ‘’Anthony get up its time for you to go to school, Mom said my.’’
    But Mom I’m exhausted from last nights party. I said tiredly.
    I don’t care that’s your fault from staying up to late, Mom said
    Ok, I said

  68. Ashley Chavez 407Thu Sep 08, 07:22:00 AM

    It had been raining last night. So the sky was still gloomy from its tears. But then as suddenly as it started to rain, the sky brightened and rays of sunlight lid the way through darkness in the city of Chicago. Clouds looked like big fluffy pillows, they weren’t anything like they were the moment before. They made you feel happy and excited again.
    “Ashley get of that bed this instance!’’
    “Ok, I’m almost ready!’’ I said. Even though I had no intention of getting up and ready. But when I heard the stupid Mexican ranch songs. I knew it was either get ready or suffer the piercing music my dad loved.

  69. “Hurry were going to be late!” my sister Adrianna told me. “We have to be there at 5 o clock”.
    “I’m ready “. I told her
    “Good!” she said.
    “Alright Alright!” I yelled. “Let’s get in the car already”.
    I was so excited I was going to jump out the window because we were on are way to my favorite singer Shakira’s concert. I imagined it would look like me and my sister in the front row and the red and gold curtains opening as shakira came out and started singing that is how excited I was.
    “Were here” my sister said.
    “Really!” I told her. I was so excited I was going to take the tickets and run into the the place and watch her cause I was waiting for this for months and now it was happening. We went in and seen her sing and it was great I was so excited that whole day.

  70. It’s a sunny day, but it felt like a thunderstorm.
    ‘Dumas why would you turn off the game!’
    ‘Couse you said you aren’t going to let me play.’
    ‘So I don’t have to let you play it’s my game.’
    ‘If you don’t I’ll tell mom were you got the money to buy it.’

  71. Estephanie G 407Thu Sep 08, 07:23:00 AM

    “I am so happy tomorrow is my birthday told Ruby..!” I
    “What are you going to give me “?
    “I don’t know “. She said.
    “ What do you want “?
    “I don’t know , I want to know till tomorrow “. I told her.
    “Fine” Ruby said,

    The weather was beautiful wen I woke up. The sky was nice and blue and there was snow every where . I was so happy.

  72. I was so excited that I almost jumped out of my shoes when I found out that my godfather was going to take Emilio and me to Six Flags Great America as a birthday present. I was more excited because that was going to be the first time I go to Six Flags Great America in my life. But I got to tell you the trip to Six Flags toke more than two hours but I was ok with that because I was going to Six Flags Great America. :)

  73. “Hey Andrea, guess what today were going to six flags!” My mom said to me.
    “It’s a perfect day to go it’s around 95 degrees’’. My brother said”.
    But one thing was wrong my mom only had 3 tickets. And there’s 6 of us so we don’t know who’s gona get to go? It’s really hot.

  74. “Hey, guess what?” my cousin asked.
    “What,” I said over the phone.
    “I just got a dog!” she said excitedly.
    “Like in your game or something?” I asked confused. I knew her dad wouldn’t get her a dog.
    “No in real life!” she said.
    “That’s awesome “I said happily.
    “What kind of dog is it?” I asked curiously.
    “Come outside and I’ll show you.” She said surprisingly.

  75. “Hey mom, guess whose birthday is coming up?
    “Yea I know that….but what are we going to do?” I asked puzzled.
    I went up to my room and thought why aren’t they thinking of anything to do for my birthday??Then it came to me maybe their giving me a surprise party. “NO” So I just asked if they could me something really fun and big that I would like a lot!!What I did was asked my friends to come to my house for my birthday and I’ll what they’re going to give me?!?!

  76. It was normal 5 AM weather, I did not think volcanoes were real. When I watched the news that morning and it said “A volcano erupted just last night!”
    “But volcanoes aren’t real, are they?” I said nervously.
    “Ummm, of course there real dumb head!” My brother said.
    I got very exited when I found that out. I wanted to study volcanoes more often! I was 5 yrs old.

  77. I woke up it was so sunny that I couldn’t open my eyes no school its summer vacation I went outside it was so hot that I was sweating a lot I played outside all day.

  78. It was a bright sunny day when I woke up on the couch.
    “Mari, go get dressed and fix your hair because we’re going to see Polo’s mom,” my grandma Mama said in her soft spoken voice. Polo is my grandpa.
    “But I want to go with Frances, David, and Pedro to kiddieland”I said

  79. Guadalupe T. 403Fri Sep 09, 07:17:00 AM

    It was a cloudy, humid day, looked like if it was going to rain. Also foggy. It looked like a t.v. not being turned on and just watching that dark screen. You could probably film a movie outside. It was so hot that you could cook a turkey maybe fry it. Seemed like 100 degrees, but it wasn’t. I could hardly see.

  80. Angelica M room 403Fri Sep 09, 07:17:00 AM

    It was 98 degrees outside and I was getting ready to go to the pool and we had to go early because it gets pack. “Come on Michy we have to go” I’m going” she said. We got up at 6 in the morning to get ready and we made four sandwiches because we were going to be hungry so we decided to make four sandwiches and to take two Gatorades and two small bag of hot chips and we were ready to go. So we ran into the front and I said “wait I forgot one thing”, she said “what did you forget?” So I ran back inside and I got my sunglasses because it was so hot outside that my eyes were burning. Then we were off and before we went to the pool we had to pick up ghema and ferny because they wanted to go to so we went to their house and picked them up and we said “let’s go”

    When we got there we all got into a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and when we saw the pool we jumped in all at the same time and we jumped in and we were having a blast. We were in there for 4 hours and after that we all went home and ate our food and we tired so I was just fell asleep.

  81. It was a very stormy day at Fairfield nobody came out but the people at my house I think the reason nobody came out was because it was raining ice and that’s why

  82. It was a really foggy that I couldn’t see my hands. So I just stayed inside.
    “Let’s play because I’m bored, “I told my mom
    “Not right know because I’m doing work,” that’s what always says
    She is always ways sad because she missis my brother.
    So then I just went to sleep.

  83. I woke up it was so sunny that I couldn’t open my eyes no school its summer vacation I went outside it was so hot that I was sweating a lot I played outside all day.

  84. It was a spring break and I was bored at home. When my dad came home from work, he said
    “Close your eyes” I wanted to know why I had too close my eyes but so I closed my eyes.
    “What is it?” I said covering my eyes with my hands, I stared too hear that he was trying to get something from his pocket “Are you done?” I said still having my eyes covering. “Ok, just give me a minute.” He said like if he was going to put something right in front of my face
    “Open them” he said. I opened my eyes and I saw concert tickets. I grabbed them and I notice that they were concert tickets to see Avenged sevenfold live on stage! “You got me concert tickets to see Avenged sevenfold!?!?” I said grabbing them. Yes, they are” my dad said
    I ran too my room and then I was going to wait for the next day so I can go to the concert.
    And then I was happy that the concert was coming!

  85. “Hey son,” my mom said happily I said yes mother”
    “ We are going to my friend house “i said ok said my mother“
    As we went to her friends house I was exited cause I now she lovely dogs. As we went to my mothers friend house we were there for like20 minute. There were talking to each other after that we left to my house .my mom drop us off and she went to the store. When she came back she let a dog in.
    “Mom I said nerveasly
    ‘Mom said son I love u I now u wanted a dog for a while so then here “
    “ I said thank you”

  86. Gysselle Figueroa (403)Fri Sep 09, 07:18:00 AM

    I think that I felt excited when my dad said he would buy me a laptop, actually it was this year. I still don’t know if he is going to buy me it. He promised, when I asked him to buy me something we weren’t talking face to face, we were talking on the phone.
    He specifically said “yes, I will buy you whatever you want.”
    “Anything?” I asked
    “Yes, anything why?”
    “Because for my birthday I want a laptop”
    “I might be able to buy it, if you help me buy earning your own money”
    I was super exited I felt like I was going to scream out loud.
    So now I can’t wait till my birthday next year.

  87. “Hey dad,” I said excitedly.
    “What son?” My dad asked puzzled .
    “Do you think you could take me to the mall “
    “Why do you want to go do you even have money”he said couresly
    “Yes I do I been saving up I have 100 dollar” I said cofedently
    “Fide lets go”
    I ended up buying some shoes and a Jordan t-shrit.

  88. Marlen G. room403Fri Sep 09, 07:18:00 AM

    “Where are we going?” I asked.
    “We are going to my aunt’s house for Thanksgiving.” My mom said.
    “Can I invite Jessica? “I asked.
    When I reached for my mom’s pink old cellphone I dialed Jessica’s phone number. It rang once….it rang twice but still no one answers. I waited anxiously for her to answer.
    “Hello.” Said Jessica
    “Hi Jessica it’s me Marlen I just wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to my mom’s aunt’s house for Thanksgiving?”
    “Oh hi Marlen how are u yes I’ll love to come.”
    “We will meet you there.”
    When we picked up Jessica we went to my mom’s aunt’s house. Her house looked bright and colorful with the lights in the wall, the Christmas tree up, and the little angle on the top.
    When we went inside we sat in the table and prayed to god for everything he gave us and the family he chose for us. When we finished praying we ate the food it was so scrumptious.

  89. It was a nice sunny day, about 80 degrease not to hot not to cold it was just perfect. The sky was blue the clouds were white and puffy just like a nice smooth marsh mellow. I was coloring in my room all nice and peaceful when my dad came in my room disturbing me, how he had bought 5 news motorcycles. Of course there were models of the real thing.” Mija, when I die you will keep all my collection” he said it proudly “ gracias, pero you no se donde voy a poner all the motorcycles” I said in a soft sorry voice. He just stared at me, but a not scary or mad face like you see in cartoons or books it was more like a I understand you face later on I told him I really wanted to drive but he said when I was older , I got sad cause I knew I was 7.*4 years past* and I had just gone into middle school and for the past 4 years I had cry and beg and wined that I really wanted to drive after school I went right home and pretended I actually never said that I wanted to drive I acted like a 3 year old around him heres what I said:” papa I know I have beg and wined but PLEASE may I take the car” I know what your thinking I’m 11 but I’m 6ft tall so he said” mija I think you can now your very responsible and I think u should learn although ur still pretty young” he said very seriously so we went were there was no cars in “ la garra” and I was SOOO excited like wining the lottery he let me the car I went to the next seat and my heart was doing a sound I could hear clearly it went thump thump thump I went and he said “ be very careful mioja, porque one is for brakes and the other for fast” I didn’t really payed attention to him and I just put my foot on the fast one witch I forgot what its called and I hit it and I was driving I couldn’t believe it I was driving we spend only about 5 minutes or and hours I don’t know I was having so much fun I didn’t care and I still do from now.

  90. DanielC Room 403Fri Sep 09, 07:20:00 AM

    It was a bright sunny day I had to turn on every air fan. It was like 110 degrees outside. My dad was going somewhere my brothers were curios also. We told him where he was going.
    We said were you going da
    d? We spoke loudly.
    He said I am going to my Buy a pool. I got really excited

  91. It was hot outside that we had the air conditioner on. Also that my dog was inside she had puppies there where six puppies and the one that I liked and the one that I wanted to stay home was so little and its color of the hair is black on top and the feet where white. He was so cute that I wanted to hug him all the time.

  92. “Hi mom where are you going,” I said.
    “Oh I’m going to work at the Gloria,”.
    “Is it Friday already,” I said surprised.
    “Wow its 8:00pm could I go to sleep and then wake up at 9:00pm and the I’ll call you,”.
    “Ok I’ll call you later to bye,”.
    My mom is always in a hurry I’m glad she’s always in a hurry I waited till she left she closed the door rely hard and that made
    My brother wake up
    “Good morning brother,”.

  93. It was very cold one day it was about 68 degrees it was on December. I told my Mom if my dad got me an iPod and she told me I have to wait to find out. Then I told my brother if they did. He said he don’t know the present look big so It made me think it wasn’t a iPod but when I opened it the box got smaller and smaller and finally I got to the end and then it was a iPod and a was laughing and happy:)

  94. The time that I was going to Six Flags and got up at five am and win we got their I went on the superman ride . The next ride that I went on was the batman ride the best day.

  95. “Wake up sleepy head!’’
    “Mom five more minutes!” I demanded half awake.
    “No Aimee, wake up your aunt is coming over.”
    After my mom left with her screaming I changed .I got any shirt and some jeans.
    “Tia what are you doing here?”
    My aunt was explaining that she was going to party. She came to make jello. I was helping it was fun spending time with her. She told me about her childhood.
    I felt so connected to her.

  96. It was a sunny day it was so hot I could cook an egg on the side walk. The birds were chirping a sound that was beautiful .It was cloudless in the sky like a pond. Although it was very hot the plants didn’t think so. And if you were to put something shiny it would make it so shiny it could blind someone.

  97. Ulises V. Rm 405Mon Sep 12, 07:16:00 AM

    It was time. The instant it occurred ruptured out like a revolving tornado! And now the fireworks spectacle has begun. Everybody identified, it would be cooler than a race car 360!

  98. It was a sunny day because it felt really hot outside, also because there was no cloud blocking it. There were beautiful flowers blooming outside tough it was very noise outside. I was getting ready to go to school because it was going to be our first meeting in student council meeting I was very, very excited because it was almost time for our meeting. I was getting ready to go to 305 it was a very exciting day.

  99. It was a warm day because the air past by your head it feel fresh the clouds sometimes block the sun. It was noon I was going to a party. When it was time to go someone came to pick me up we got to the party. It was decorated about princess when I got there they already brock the piñata. The piñata was pink an inside it had candy.

  100. Raquel M Room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:19:00 AM

    It was a very sunny day the sky was so clear. When I woke up my mother told me to get ready to shower because we going to go to the store. So thought to myself what we are going to go and buy. So when I was ready my dad drove to Best Buy. I came out of car and went inside the store but I was still thinking what we are going to buy. When I was a 5 grader I really want it a iPod but my laptop to so I wondered is my dad going to buy me my iPod or my laptop. So then my dad told me what I wanted. He said do you want your iPod I did but I want my laptop but I had a computer at my house so I told him I what my iPod so we told the man that work at the store if could get out the iPod. I was so excited that I was going to get my IPod.

  101. It was a very cold winter this year . It was like if I was in the refrigerator. I was getting ready to go to school .It was very cold so I didn’t know if there was going to be school.so I checked outside. THERE WAS A LOT OF SNOW!!!!!. I knew there was not going to be school because of how cold it is and how much snow there was. So I didn’t go to school instead I was playing my video games. But later on my cousins told me that I needed to help with shoveling the snow.

  102. David C Room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:20:00 AM

    It was a beautiful sunny day. The sky was clear with birds flying everywhere. When I woke up my mom said to take a shower and get ready because I was going with my dad. So I ran out of the room and went in bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. When I was done taking a shower my dad was waiting for me in his car. When I got in the car he told me “David, do you want anything at all, name something and I’ll get it for you.” I was thinking really hard and then I got it, “Could I get an Xbox 360?”
    “You’ll get it today but first I have to my pay check.” So we were driving to his job and when we got there he said “Stay in the car, David.”
    “Okay.” I said. When he got his pay check we went to GameStop. My dad asked the clerk if he could get the Xbox 360. The clerk said “It will cost you $199.” So my dad paid him. I was so excited that I was going to have my own Xbox 360! When he bought it he took me home and he said to take care of it.

  103. When my step mom woke me up in 8:00 in the morning, I had to brush my teeth and heard that we were going to Six Flags I felt exited I needed to use the bathroom. We packed everything up that we needed.
    “Anybody need to use the bathroom”?
    “I do I do”. I said first.
    One by one we got in the car, first it was my sister then me then my brother then my oldest brother. The car was a Toyota Corolla .I didn’t feel squished because I did this every time I went to my dad’s house .I couldn’t wait to go. Almost 30 min to get there now.
    “No”. I said sadly.
    “What happen?”
    “It’s raining see”.
    “I see showers to”.
    I can see the coasters big and cool. The sun came out

  104. I remember when I was going to the water park with my family when I when outside the sun was so hot that I was burning .When we got ready we need it to wait allot because the trip was so long. We finally got there the water park was so big that i got in right away.

  105. The time that I was happy was that my family told us that where going to the pools in Cicero. When my family was ready we all head to the pool the sun look like a light bud blazing the heat out and that time was the best time ever.

  106. Oscar G. Room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:22:00 AM

    It was day 2 in Wisconsin Dells. It was so hot in Mt. Olympus that it felt like I was standing on top of a Sun.

  107. I was excited about going to Arkansas and to see all my family and cousins and my mom and dad was so excited too and when we got there in Arkansas and my sister and me were playing with my cousins and then my dad and my mom were eating with all my aunts and her cousins and her 2 brothers and my brothers were watching TV with my biggest cousins and then we were like bored I felt to go to the beach I said to my dad and he told my mom if she wanted to go to the beach and then all said yes I want to go to the beach my sister scream at me and I said ok and were preparing to go and getting were things and then we were at the beach and it was fun.

  108. It was a hot day that I felt like melting. My house was chilly because we had a big fan that it cooled off the house. I was cold in the house that I wanted to go outside. My sister from California texted to see if we were fine because she saw in the news Chicago was going to be supper hot. My mom told me to go to the store to buy a small but, not that small fan because my room was hot like outside. When I went to the store and came back I was sweating a lot that my sister told me if I take a shower. I told her I didn’t; I was just sweating a lot. My mom told me to take a shower to cool down. The weather stayed like that for a few days. My little brother got sick because of the hot outside and, the cold in my house.

  109. It was a sunny day everything was very quiet. There was no cars, no people, and not even the sound of children playing outside .The only thing you could hear inside my house is my mom telling us to eat breakfast. My dad had gotten from work he told us he had a surprise for us I was really excited. He told us he was taking us to the water park and that when we got out of the water park we were going to eat at Buffalo wings.

  110. The time that I was happy was that my family told us that where going to the pools in Cicero. When my family was ready we all head to the pool the sun look like a light bud blazing and that time was the best time ever.

  111. The time I was going to the store to buy some books in my cousin school my cousin school it was books sale but the thing I was not good was the winter and the ‘’stop the whining’’ I was not whining.

  112. OsvaldoF room405Mon Sep 12, 07:24:00 AM

    It was one day that it was my brothers birthday and my brother I always wanted to have the system call Dsi and then then three days it was my birthday and that day my mom gave me and my brother the dsi WE WERE SO Happy BECAUSE I ALMOST WANTED TO CRY CAUSE MY COUSIN always laugh that we never had system that were cool and my brother seem so happy by the smile in his face

  113. When the phone ringed my mom answered and told me and my sister that my aunt is taking us to the beach.
    My mom said ‘’hurry up or else u guys aren’t going’’ so me and my sister brushed our teeth.as soon as i was done brushing my teeth. i was looking for my sandals I asked my mom ‘’where are my sandals’’ and she said ‘’I don’t know’’. I was worried because if I don’t find them I couldn’t go to the beach. i was so tired until I hear my sister cry. I went to see her and she falled down. I looked at her feet she had my sandals on. I asked her ‘’what are you doing with my sandals? And she didn’t say nothing.
    I just took my sandals away from her and put them on. The phone ringed again and it was my aunt she said’’ I’m outside already’’. When I came outside the weather was about 100% degrees. i was excited because we finally left to the beach.

  114. Esmeralda s room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:24:00 AM

    Last year, in winter, it was really cold that I couldn’t even go to the store to buy some bread, milk, or even chocolate to make hot chocolate because the snow was almost up to my knees. Then when I wanted to go to the store really bad I asked my dad, “Dad, can I go to the store to buy some milk, bread, and buy some chocolate to make hot chocolate?’’
    ‘’Fine, but you need to go with your sister if you are going to the store.’’
    ‘’Fine dad I’ll go with her, but I’m going really fast, ok?’’
    Then I thought if we could go really fast

  115. I was going to a water park, so when we got there I saw a big park. The Sun was if was hot as a jalapeno. When I was done eating I told my dad if I could go to the big slide he said ‘’yes you go but you have to take your brother.

  116. Michael J room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:24:00 AM

    It was a rainy day when it’s paring and seems it never going to end. I woke up scared because I heard a loud thunder and I fell off my bed. I walked to my leaving room to watch my favorite show “Thunder Cays”. After I finished watching it I ate my breakfast and fed my fishes. I started to play my P.S.P which stands for Play Station Portable for the rest of the day.

  117. Jorge S.Room 405Mon Sep 12, 07:24:00 AM

    I remember when I was going to the water park with my family when I when outside the sun was so hot that I was burning .When we got ready we need it to wait allot because the trip was so long. We finally got there the water park was so big that i got in right away.

  118. I was excited about going to Arkansas and to see all my family and cousins and my mom and dad was so excited too and when we got there in Arkansas and my sister and me were playing with my cousins and then my dad and my mom were eating with all my aunts and her cousins and her 2 brothers and my brothers were watching TV with my biggest cousins and then we were like bored I felt to go to the beach I said to my dad and he told my mom if she wanted to go to the beach and then all said yes I want to go to the beach my sister scream at me and I said ok and were preparing to go and getting were things and then we were at the beach and it was fun.

  119. Carol Vazquez 402Fri Sep 23, 10:33:00 AM

    One day I was so happy I felt like I wanted to scream. It was a nice feeling. I couldent stop smilyng because it was Christmas Eve. Then sudenly a smell caught my attention. It smelled like spices and stuffing and it made my mouth water. I rushed downstairs it was the smell of a stufed turkey baking. I asked my mom if I could have some for breakfast but then she said,
    "You have to wait until 7 when our company comes."
    I said "ok", and went upstairs to get ready for the day.

  120. I felt wide awake and my stomach was to excited when I got to the airport. I felt a little scared when the airplane was going to land because it felt like it was letting go and then went up again. My heart felt like it was going up in my chest. We were going back to the United States.

  121. jocelynr room405Fri Sep 23, 11:26:00 AM

    I was excited because I going my counsins Quinsiniera. My cousin dress is beautiful and is blue and I was excited because it was going to be fun. My cousin has the best Quinsiniera

  122. It was my cousin's birthday then I was so happy. I felt happy because I took her a little dress and it was buttiful.Then the sun went and the rain came. I fell disappointed. We couden't go then it was now 5 00 and we hadded to stay untel 7 00 so I fell bored. Next the time we went and it vwasc cool ,good thing I fell happy.
