Monday, April 30, 2012


Read the poem below. It was dedicated from one WWII soldier to another. What do you think the theme of the poem is? Explain and give at least one example from the poem in your answer. MY BUDDY They say he died in glory, What ever that may be. If its dying in a burst of flame, Then glory's not for me. In the briefing room this morning, He sat with clear eyes and strong heart, Just one of many airman Determined to do his part. My buddy had the guts alright, He sought not glory nor fame. He knew there was a job to do, My crew all felt the same. But death had the final word, In its log it wrote his name. For my buddy died this afternoon In glory - in a burst of flame. (Dedicated to Mike Shanley who gave his life ditching on his 6th mission)

Monday, April 9, 2012


Tell me about one activity that you did with your family. Write one detailed paragraph.