Monday, March 21, 2011

Aaron Elster

What do you think about his experiences so far? Please talk about specific examples from the book.


  1. It seem's thst Aaron Elster has gone through alot. His terror seems to some how be his only companion. He has lost everyone from his sister to his father and it's just the beging of the entire Holocaust. I don't think I would have survived the Holocaust my self.

  2. What his Experience in the Book talks about is that he is getting captured and his Dad tells him to run back home like the Nazis are killing people and he's scared like he gets peralized then starts running home and he sees his Aunt and his sister are in a Corner and thats what his experience from the book.


  4. hes a good story praty sad do but hes a good speaker and is intresthing how hes way he speak and tell hes story and i see or imagin the story and i imagen hes story as hes teling it hes is so intrested i love the title and because is like the theme of the book

  5. i think that his expiriences are like cantell how he can express himself in the book his fellings and that he like is sentimental and makes the book interesting ,but in an real type of way by like his expressions in the story .That i would think the people that survive he holocaust was the worst day of their entire life because it also causing in deaths ,and most by 9 yrs old in those days.which is sas imagining you in his shoes trying to escape from the is trully sad.which iis i think that his expiriences so far had been really harsh and sad.

  6. Guadalupe L. 304Mon Mar 21, 08:17:00 AM

    What I thought of his experiences so far in the book was that it must have been hard for him to see all those dead bodies just thrown into a pit and covered up with dirt. Also it must be hard for him to remember a date and it's the same date when something terrible happened to him.

  7. Well I think that his expirences so far are really bad because he has his own meat store and that is how they get their money and they tell his family to close it. then he saw his uncle die and his dad gets jumped. Plus littel by littel he starts to lose fait in G-D. I think his expiriences are preatty bad so far and its just the beggining of the book. I hope it doesnt get worse.

  8. GisselleRiosss! 302Mon Mar 21, 08:18:00 AM

    Well i think he's feeling like everything is changing around him. Non-Jews are not coming to his shop or his dad's shop to buy meat because the others are going to see them buying meat. So Aaron's sisters have to go sell em to their houses. Everything is bad for Aaron right now because he's in the ghetto. And the polish boys treat him bad !

  9. What I think about Aaron's experinces so far is that he went through hell. His father told him to run and try to hide. He always remembers the date of October 10,1942. This date kills him inside because it reminds him of the Holocaust and what he saw during this time. He goes to a high school to tell his tragdy and feels what has happened to him like 30 years ago. It all starts to come back to him on what has happened.

  10. I think that Aaron Elster's experiences so far is horrible. I think this because bad things are happening to him and his family. He now lives in a ghetto but in his house and he is losing his faith in G-d. This is bad because he is jewish and they are very religious. Aaron said what kind of G-d would let this happen. That is only some of the experiences that he expericences that he faced so far

  11. Some of Aaron Elster's experiences so far are that he has been going through a lot. He thinks he's gunna loose all his family. He thinks he's going to die, but he doesn't want to. Also, when something is going on he asks to himself where's god, meaning people can loose faith on god fast. He doesn't really know what's going on, but he does know things are happending that are not right.

  12. is so sad because he have talk alot of sad when they were shasing there nighboor that they were trying to scape. and that they hit them with a rubber bat.and he remember all thiz because it was october 10 end that day they tooked him october 10 was the day when his life change.

  13. O Alvarez ♥ 306Mon Mar 21, 08:24:00 AM

    i think his experinces so far are pretty good because he lives in his own house and many people had to move. Also many people are starving but his family has hidden food. Lucky him.

  14. What i think about his experiences so far is that he suffered a lot in the begining because all the time him and his family had to watch out for the nazi's and also they had to watch out also for each other when they would send his little cousin to deliver the meat or when his parents had to pay the officers money so that they would take the name of the list of the dad in the concentration camp.

  15. it was a great story for me and for every one

  16. i think he went through alot in his life,he had alot of problems.

  17. Santos Ocampo 302Mon Mar 21, 08:28:00 AM

    Well I think his experiences are quite amazing. For one thing it fascinates me how he managed to escape the nazi and go into hiding. Another thing is how he lived his life well in his families butcher shop associating with the Non-Jewish community. What I find interesting is how when he ran into this boy the young boy told him he killed Christ which he began to wonder why he is being insulted. To be I find his experience very spectacular for the last time he saw his sister she was when he was sitting in the towns hall being taken to a concentration camp and how he saw the corruption and people being killed.

  18. cristian s rm 302Mon Mar 21, 08:30:00 AM

    Aaron Elater experiences so far i think its crazy how he had left and went to hes aunt house and he was scared like he was asking hem self why havent i died.i would never do that i well just die but hes experiences are bad right now

  19. i think his experience so far is awlful and sad because he is terrified everitime he is getting criticies by being a crist killer or a Jew and Aaron is feeling scared because he dosent knoow whatt is going on and why they are calling him these names.

  20. I think that Aaron experiences was that he had been throught a lot as an 8 year old boy because he had see an mother that had killed her own baby girl and he had thought that if they were in hinddin would his mom had done the same too him. His parents had to pay the Nazi mens so that they will not take the shop away and Aaron dad. Aaron Tio had die by jumping off the trunk and had got shot on the neck and die at his parsent house and he had nightmare and his parsents had always told them that they will be saft, but he is had an hard time to believe that and he was scared that he is going to die.

  21. Aaron Elster's experiences are very dramatic to my point of view.First of all he is just a kid and people prejude him just because he's a jew.Then he is starting to loose faith on god based on his experiences.For example when he prays and says,'g-d never responds'.Or when he saw the dead old lady he said ,'probably god doesn't really exist.That's how it is so dramatic.

  22. carlos c 302 saiddddMon Mar 21, 08:35:00 AM

    aaron elster experience so far has been a terrible experince because polish kids would talk smack to aaron by calling him names like felthy jew or christ killer.n and aaron feels scared and doesnt know what to doo and he feels alone because hes a jew

  23. Cesar Vasquez Rm 303Mon Mar 21, 08:35:00 AM

    Well i think aaron elster experiense so far is that he is getting treat differently from other people because he is jews also his getting separate from his family on the concentration camps...!

  24. JAMjesus M. RM 306Mon Mar 21, 08:39:00 AM

    What I think about Aaron Elster's experiences is that he may have felt fear when the Germans came to Poland.An example would be that fear would be his companion on that time and would see others suffering like him.What I would also think about his experience is that it would see that he wanted to escape, no matter if there is guards or anything that would trouble him. The example is when he says that he wants to run from bullets until he gets hit in the wall.

  25. What I think about his experiences is that they are very interesting. For example, Aaron was out on the street and then one kid that was the son of the ghetto guard came up to him and told him,"Christ Killer! You filthy Jew!" Then Aaron didn't understand why they were telling him this. He hadn't done anything to anyone.

  26. JocelineRodriguez306(:Mon Mar 21, 01:14:00 PM

    I think his experiences were ruff because they seperate his whole family from him. He just stayd with his father and little sister, he saw many people die, or being killd. He dirent wanted to show his weak side, but he did askd himself some questions, nobody can answer. He did ran away from the camp, but regreating leaving his family.

  27. I think that his experiences were sad and lucky.Lucky because in the summer he and his family got out of that ghetto and went to work in a farm when others did not.In that farm he got food and a place to sleep without soldiers treating them bad.I also say sad because he got separed for his family and he has to suvive by himself.

  28. EllenaG302 ♪♫♪♫Mon Mar 21, 08:21:00 PM

    Aaron Elster's expiriences are horrible. No boy at the age of 10 should lose his family and faith. He was forced to leave his baby sister, for his own life. No child or parent should ever have to make choices like that. The Holocaust obviously changed Aaron and several other survivors. He's losing faith in God and he shouldn't have to worry what he's going to eat tommorow or if he's going to get shot for being a Jew

  29. jameric calvin aka G3NIU5 303Tue Mar 22, 12:06:00 PM

    i think his experience is down hill and about that part where his mom told him to leave her alone so that she wont die and he would is freaken harsh........................ i woild have yelled at her if that was my mom...

  30. Aaron's experience is sad becuase he was abandoned and his baby sister die in a gas chamber and i think Aaron is scared now and i think that why he write his book...

  31. my experiance of the book is that if one day that happend to me and ma mom had to tell me that i would be really sad and try to find a way to take care of my the book i read that ran away from the camp but he regreated leaving his family.

  32. Manases Leal Room 303Tue Mar 22, 01:05:00 PM

    First of all after hearing Aaron Elster's
    experiences I'm glad I'm not him. Second, (the main point is) what I think about his experiences is no wonder every time he remembers his childhood he feels like he's going to have a heart attack. Could you imagine being this dude, he had to watch the people around him suffer and die because of the real monsters who thought it was funny. I think the most hurtful thing Aaron had to go through was when his own mother told him he had to leave and she practically abandoned him. What kind of mother did he really have?

  33. I think his experiences are interesting but at the same time sad because he goes trough a lot of bad things.For example the time his mom said he needed to leave and find another place to hide because he couldn't stay with them that was interesting i never thought that a mom would do that to her own child,but at the same time is sad :(

  34. I think that the experiences of Aaron Elster were very brave of him to deal with ! , becuase he was only An 8 yr old boy , that is burly learning the meaning of life , And yet he has to face this horrible event . An exaple from the text that shows " Bravery " is when his greety mom told him that he was on him own , And how mean of her that she decided to go with the guy than to be with her child when she knows its the only oppurtunity they will have if something else happened to them .

  35. FernandoMtz.RM303Wed Mar 23, 04:00:00 PM

    my opinion is that Aaron went through a lot that he has a sad life , first there sent to the ghetto and then his mom tells him to leave the ghetto it will be hard for Aaron to survive on his own.

  36. what i think about Aaron Elster's experiences so far is that it was hard for him because he had to leave his family behind and obey his mom & dad and because of that he finds him self alone with no his mom wants him to go & look for some one that can take care of him.she even gives him some jewelery as a reward for them taking in there its hard for him to leave him mom and go look for some one else to take care of him.he also has seen lots of dead body so he is scared and keeps telling g-d that he dose not want to die.she he has had a hard experience.

  37. So far Aaron has gone through alot and its not even half the book!-.-
    Aaron has been separated from his family and the only family he has in contact with is Irene.
    Aaron has been through starvation,filthy thing, and the cold weather. His experiences are very hard to go through.

  38. filimon villegas 306Thu Mar 24, 08:18:00 AM

    aaron has been threw a lot since he lost all of his family he lost his father and his sister to save his self and now his mother told him he must leave an find some one how will hide him and keep him on safety from the germans.he just found his sister looking thin but grew a bit around 2in tall if i was him i would have survive the holocaust.

  39. i think Aaron Elster has been thru alot, and his experiences are sad & dramatazing kus he saw his little sister for da last time at da liquidation of sokolow. She was crying and her face still haunts him.
    It was also sad kus his mom abadoned him , and he was only 10. Aaron was really mad & sad kus he knew dat his mother was sending him on his own to what will surely be his death. When his mother told him to leave he ran & threw himnself to the ground cryin, & hitting da floor. He was dere for a while .
    He was heart-broken</3

  40. Orlando Ogaza RM 302Thu Mar 24, 08:24:00 AM

    Well, the experiences that Aaron is going through right now are both heartless and heart breaking. The most heart breaking experience I have read in the book is when his mother abandoned him to save her own life. I would have done the same thing if I where abandoned by my own mother during the Holocaust, but instead, I wouldn’t know exactly what to do. This boy has had experiences where he has witnessed death, strong abuse, but nothing like betrayal of abandonment. This book has experiences where you can’t even explain to how hurtful it was.

  41. Aaron Elster went through alot so far. I think the emotional pain he left for the abandonment of his mother was worse than the physical pain he felt like being hungry and having lice all over him. The worst thing was what his mother did to him, I still don't understand how his mother had the heart to do that to her own son. And to prefer this man over him. He was rejected everywhere even at Ms.Gorski's house, even if she was helping him she kept telling him how he was a danger to all of them. This 10 year old boy felt more pain than all of us, a pain we can't even imagine.

  42. MelissaPalencia303Thu Mar 24, 08:31:00 AM

    Aaron Elster was a very confused boy. For example when the Polish kid was acusing him as a "Christ killer", And Aaron didn't even know who Christ was. Also he couldn't even describe the pain he felt when his mother abandond him. He was confused why she picked the man over him. He also keeps repeating how his little sisters eyes haunt him, how she felt hopeless and wanted him to help her but he couldn't. He somewhat felt guilty for not doing anything for his baby sister.

  43. AudriannaHart304Thu Mar 24, 08:37:00 AM

    I think aaron's experiences are terrifying. I think his experiences are scary because, he watched so many children die. Aaron had to watch people get shot, and beaten. The worst thing, i think he went through, was his mother telling him to leave and go away. Aaron had to watch his mother choose another man over him, which isn't fair, i feel like that should haunt aaron. Also, he talks about seeing sara's eyes over and over.

  44. •Jackieee Paniagua 302♥Thu Mar 24, 08:41:00 AM

    What I think about his experiences is that they were rough. He went through alot but he never gave up. Even when his mom abandond him he told himself that he wasn't going to depend on anybody and was going to take care of himself and try to stay safe. Even through the emotional pain he felt, he felt like nobody cared and nobody loved him. He felt rejected and alone. From the other boys calling him a christ killer to losing his father ,little sister and mother. He just wanted to live. His hopes that he would be reunited with his family was his motivation to stay alive....

  45. I think that his experiences are harsh. He had to suffer a lot to survive the Holocaust. He lost everyone he had (except his sister). His father and younger sister were probably sent to their death. His mother didn’t want to take him anywhere anymore. His sister is not allowed to visit him in his hiding spot, the attic. His safety spot is in the attic with very little food and is constant reminded that he is a threat.

  46. I think his experiences are horrible. Aaron is eight when it really started affecting him, when he was seperated from his father and little sister Sara, it just was so sad. And also when his mother abandoned him, an eight year old, all alone to fend for himself, it's the worst thing that could happen to a child.

  47. ashley morales 304Thu Mar 24, 02:14:00 PM

    i think that he had his heart broken a bunch of times. he had been alone more times than 10 year should be. the most sadest thing a litle boy could go through is being sent away by his mother.and i guess he feels so alone with no one to protect him not even god.ifeel this the most sadest story about a boy loosing his family.if i were in his posission i would be defenetly misserable the most sadest kid posibly.and i would be very fraid. through these brutal times i wouldnt be so happy or laugh anymore. iwouldnt even be able to forgive my mom for chosing that menacing guy instead of me.

  48. Aaliyah L. (306)Thu Mar 24, 02:17:00 PM

    I think Aaron Elster's experiences so far are sad yet brave. I think they are sad because he has lost his father and younger sister Sara, and also because his mother abandons him and now he is forced to live in an attic. I think becausbe even though he was scared he still ran to the Gorski's house. Another reason I think his experiences are brave is because he is stuck in the attic yet he doesn't give up.

  49. I think he has suffered a lot over his experience but the worst tht i say is when his mother abandoned him n told him to go his seperate ways. His mothers betrayal was the worst no mother should do that n no son should witness and feel the way he did. The second thing that i think made him suffer a lot was being called a dirty jew bein called that some many times made him feel like that was the main reason why he went throught all that punishment. All the pain he suffered maid him feel worthless and made his hate toward everything grow larger and larger.

  50. From what i have read so far i think Arons life was very hash just like all the other stories of people in the holocaust.Im really into his book because it is really intersting.I like it how he wrote it and it makes me feel like if im in his shoes like if i was him.It is reslly sad and it makes me sad and i am thankful all this didnt happen to me and my family. Its awful how they burned the weak and let them turned into ashes.I cant wait to actually tal to him face to face im really excited that he is coming to our school.

  51. Gilberto Guerrero Room 302Thu Mar 24, 06:48:00 PM

    What i think about Aaron's experience so far is that it is very bad because the gorskis brought him in but they treat him worse than an animal. It was bogus when the mom told Aaron to leave and don't come back. Another experience that i find interesting is when he like goes into his dream place except he's away from his body. I found that kind of interesting.SO when the nazis start invading and he's in the ghetto thats when his whole life starts becoming a whole misery.

  52. Aaron Elster has gone thru so much pain. His family getting killed and his mom leaving him alone at such a young age. the book so far is so interesting and sad. I like it though

  53. denisezunigaa303.Fri Mar 25, 08:43:00 AM

    I think his experincences were sad. I think he was really strong for going through them all like a man but he was actually a boy. I know for a fact I wouldn't have made it. The expierences he's been through are brutal for a little 10 year old boy. Especially when his mom adandoned him.

  54. i thimk his expernes are messed up like the apple thnig that he was not able to get apple evendo he was starving

  55. I think that he been through bad hardship and he really didnt deserve what happened to his mother and i feel him being able to connect with his sister and not miss out on the growth of her like his parents did on him. I think that basicly the dealth of his mother did'nt really matter because she abanded him and reallly didn't care for him as a mother should.She placed her boyfriend before him and she should'nt have. Burdens from her remain and she should've got what she got.Even though this happened he should'nt have suffered........

  56. i think that he had a bad exprincse wen he was younger and he had to live in a adik for about a year and he didnt even get to wash up he had lice and everthing and also his mother left him and made him go back to the ghetto and a lady.

  57. What i think about Aaron's experiences is that they are very sad and also call him names, but he doesnt know why.His mom tried to explain why they are being so mean to him, but it doesnt matter now he just sleeps in an attick with bugs around him.

  58. I think that the experiences that Aaron went through were very harsh. He had to go through a lot to survive the Holocaust. The Nazi soldiers took his father and younger sister to Treblinka. His mother prefer a stranger than her son. He has no one but his oldest sister that is not even aloud to visit him.

  59. MariaGutierres(:303Fri Mar 25, 12:57:00 PM

    i think he suffered alot. he was not living the best life ever but it was like heaven compare to the one he has rite know. he sleeps filled with bugs and not shower. always sufers hunger and sorrow. hes always thinking bout his little sister that her eyes haunt him. they call him names a "crist killer" wen he dosent even know who crist is! his own mother left him she preferd a strange man over him he fealt alone he saw his sister once and thats all the family hes seen since they were taking from him

  60. Miguel Arroyo 303Fri Mar 25, 01:05:00 PM

    I think Aaron is a strong kid.Going through all that and still fighting for his life still trying most 12 year olds wouldn't last that far.Living in that attic for so much time it's just amazing.Beeing a child survivor of the holocaust is not easy at all.I have so much respect for this man he's provably one of the toughst guys iv'e known.I mean living in an attic over a year just unbelievable.

  61. I think that it was pretty sick how his mom left him knowing that he was a little kid. he was only ten years old and he had to survive on his own with out any help. I mean I think that I would feel sick leaving my kid to his own destiny. Also he had becomed a danger to the Gorskis. How they teted him made me feel sad.

  62. what i think about aaron elster' experiences so far is that it was really harsh for him because his sister was the one who got to be safe with mrs gorski and be able to have fool meals every day and be able to sleep in a comfortable bed and not you and that he had to live in the attic and not anything to eat or doo and not be able to take baths in a long time .

  63. What I think about his experiences is that he went trough allot. He was separated from his family. He was trying to escape from the Germans, and he was angry because they separated him from his mother.And when he went to the ladies house to see if they could hide him, they didn't give him allot of food, he couldn't take a shower and he was freezing. That is why I think his experiences were tough.

  64. I think Aarons life has been challenging by his mother abondenating him.His sister and father sent away to the camp.Him living up in an attic by himself with hunger constantly begin his only companion.I think by a young boy surviving the Holocaust was very difficult.I think Aaron`s life throught the book was learning how to survive begin all alone.

  65. JeNnIfEr MaRtInEz 306Fri Mar 25, 01:43:00 PM

    Aarons experiences are bad. I dont think he deserves all those things that have been happening to him. But most important thing is that he is with his sister. He has been feeling alone and when he waz in the attic he made drawings on the dirt floor with his pee.. I feel bad because nobody wants that to happen to them.. especially cause of what they are.

  66. Cabrera Paola 303 p-3Fri Mar 25, 01:57:00 PM

    I thought that he has been through the worst because now he is all alone because his mother decided to leave for another man that he like. Now he has to put up with the Gorski's complaints about him endangering their family. I think it's terrible that this 10 year old boy has to live in a freezing attic with little food to be safe from the Nazis. I find it a little disgusting how he from the bucket which contain food scraps and urine but then again he was famished.

  67. SandraGonzalez304Fri Mar 25, 02:00:00 PM

    I think that aaron elsters experiences a lot. He experiences some ugly sad moments. I think that this really shows how some of the rest jews suffer and wernt able to do nothing. I think that at a young age he was brave enough to leave his family and continue with his life.

  68. Christina R. 303Fri Mar 25, 02:01:00 PM

    Based on Aaron's experience you can tell that his life was tough. He had to leave his mother and his father and baby sister, Sara. He saw a mother kill her own child just so everyone else could be safe from the soldiers. He had to hide from the guards after leaving his mother and move into the Gorskis house they didn't want him but they still took him in. He was verbally abused but no one was there to hold him and say everything was okay.

  69. I think that Aaron's experinces are pretty scary.For example when his sister and himself were found by the Ukranium soldiers, and almost died.Or when the bomb destroyed his hiding place.Another example is when he saw the little boy explode in front of him.I can only imagine how hard it was for him to leave his father and baby sister Sara,behind knowing they would be killed.If I were in his place I probably would have become crazy or something.

  70. Well So Far In The Book I Fell Bad For Aaron He Tries To Go To a safe place, he goes with his mom after looking at a place his mom tells her own son to leave .! There is No place for him to stay .
    That's hard for someone to do. Aaron is alone at this point so far I fell like if I was him would have my mom done the same?
    It makes me think of " how much does your mom love to you".
    I Want To Read more it's so good it makes you really imagine what happen.

  71. Esther :) Alamillo 302Sat Mar 26, 08:01:00 PM

    I think it was really bogus how his mom left, because she's suppose to love him and protect him. Out of everything he went thorugh I think his expirences made him a stronger person because now he faced just about every pain you can face. He saw his mother leave him, and watched as he left his father and baby sister that makes him a tough person

  72. From my point of view Aaron has been through a lot in life especially during the Holocaust. In the part of the book were his mother gives him jewelery because she was the only one that was going to stay in the house they begged to stay and the guy didn't want Aaron I felt that Aaron must have felt abandoned and lonely. If I was in Aarons place I would have felt angry because I had the chance to be far away from the Holocaust but instead I go back to find and be with my mother. Also for her to just be heartless enough to leave me stranded no where to go with the possibility to die and her the mother be safe.

  73. What i think about his experiences so far is that he suffered a lot because his little sister sara and his dad died.also his other sister went to livr with the Gorkis and hin and his mom stayed. But his mom told Aaron that he had to go look for the Gorkis and his mom was going to stay with this man. So he went to look for the Gorkis and they let him stay but he suffer alot.

  74. i think that he is an amazing person on how he is still able to live with all these memories so painful.that he is able to tell the others on how his life was even tho8gh he might feel like he is being suffercated .and yet he is an admireqable person for living to tell the story of his bloody life.

  75. what i think about his book is its soo heart warming that he needs to deal all thies situation he dealing with also how heneed tofeel abandon thathis mother noe let him go and finde another hideout.thehideout he found his to stay in a attic a attic that people hate tohave aplacefor himtobe cold andlonely alsohas nofood at all. the book has a message torealizethat hehas now lived in hell

  76. What I feel about Aaron's experinces so far is that he went through alot. His father told him to run and try to hide for cover. He remembers the date of October 10,1942.It kills him inside because it reminds him of the hell he live thru and what he saw and went thru during this time. He goes to high schools to tell his tragdic story and feels what has happened to him from last 30 years ago. It all starts to come back to him on what has happened in his point of view.

  77. Daniel M. Room 302Mon Mar 28, 08:23:00 AM

    What i think about his experience so far is terrible because his mother left him like nothing. Aaron was now on his own and he could not trust anyone. When he went to Mrs.gorski she didn't want Aaron to go in the house but she let Aaron in. Mrs.gorski treat Aaron bad and she called Aaron a dirty jew and that their lifes are in danger just because of him.

  78. that he is a smart kid that made a smart decision of staying or living.I think Aaron did the best dicision of hiding and that shows the way he survive.

  79. maria gomez :P 306Mon Mar 28, 03:17:00 PM

    I think that Aaron had a bad start. His mom told him he had to leave so she could survive. i think that Aaron had a ruff life. he didn't even know why he was a crist killer or who was crist. he was unsure what was happing. i think that it was unfair that hes mom didn't give him love and told him he was going to be all right.

  80. Aaron had a ruff start at the begging of his life but he survive through the holocaust. He was a confidence men he proved that he was going to survive the holocaust and he showed his mom that he could survive by himself. He never was loved by no one. He was traumatized all his whole life he couldn't forget sara's eyes. Aaron never had a happy childhood just a miserable.

  81. lesley carranza 306Tue Mar 29, 08:33:00 AM

    I think Aaron had a rough life because his father and sister Sarah got killed during the Holocaust. & his mother left him for another man and the got killed.
    He also had to live in an attic for more than 2 years. They berly gave him food.
    But he still made it alive.
    & i think that was pretty hard to do during the holocaust.

  82. i feel so bad of all his experices are so hurt full i feel so bad because u cant belive that he had to live in a attic for 2 years of his child hood life. one thing that hurt me so bad is when he talked about when a mom illed her child to not get caught because she was crying and if they hear it they all could die so instead of them diening she killed her.

  83. MARIA HINOJOSA303Wed Mar 30, 08:21:00 AM


  84. ithink tat he's been throu alot in his past.its incredible how he survive after all does thinqs dat happend to him.especially wen he qotseperated from his mom i would never survive if i din't have my parents with me and have all my family kill i think he's a stronq man(:

  85. I thought his experiences were sad because he had to go through leaving his own father and baby sister that he loved to save himself. He was abandoned by his mother for another man and is now alone. He sees his sisters haunting eyes and tthat is how he remembers her and the last time he saw her. If I was him I might have broken down quickly because of everything I went through within a year.

  86. Aaron Elster's experiences are very dramatic to my point of view.First of all he is just a kid and people prejude him just because he's a jew.From my point of view Aaron has been through a lot in life especially during the Holocaust. In the part of the book were his mother gives him jewelery because she was the only one that was going to stay in the house they begged to stay and the guy didn't want Aaron I felt that Aaron must have felt abandoned and thing that hurt me so bad is when he talked about when a mom illed her child to not get caught because she was crying and if they hear it they all could die so instead of them diening she killed her.
    so thats what i think....

  87. i think he went through alot because his mom left him when he was small...and he had to do everything by himself n he saw his sister die and her eyes still haunt him. i think his life was depressing and sad.

  88. I think he didnt deserve what he went tru and i think he is brave for going tru alot by himself i think i whouldent hav done it. Anmd i find it unfair that he was just a kid and people judged him for hes raise. One thing i found sad was that he lost his mom and he still looked ahead.

  89. I think Aaron Elster went thru ugly times. I believe that he went thru alot leaving his mom because she would rather perfer to be with another man than her own son? Wow. I also believe that Aaron Elster was very confused because there was polish children who were calling him a "CHRIST KILLER". I believe that he was just a child and didnt know what was goinq on.
