Saturday, September 11, 2010

Getting Personal in Your Personal Narrative Writing by Including Character Feelings and Reactions

Mrs. Novick is going to go over the process for posting in the blog with you. All of your writing is read by me (Mr. Barr) and given a grade. Your blog entries count as 10% of your Writing grade.

We will blog throughout the school year. I will post questions and you will share your thoughts and ideas in response in the appropriate area. When posting, please keep the following in mind:

~Please do not put your entire name. Please write your name as Jesus G. Room 302. This is posted on the internet and can be viewed by anyone. I want to ensure your safety.

~All comments go through me first. Your comment will not immediately post; I will post them. Any inappropriate comments will be deleted and will not be posted for viewing.

~Type what you are going to say in Microsoft Word first, use spell check, copy and paste it into the blog and then submit.


I wrote a really short personal narrative that I’d like to share with you. It’s about when my car broke down one time in the school parking lot.

Yesterday, when I was leaving the school parking lot my car could go forward, but not backward. Then, all of a sudden, it worked! I drove out of the parking lot and down the street. Then, it made an odd noise and it stopped, right in the middle of the road. I quickly called for a tow truck.

Now. Look at this next one. It is the same story, but I added in my reactions and feelings. See if you can notice what is different about the writing of this small moment.

Yesterday, when I was leaving the school parking lot, I noticed my car was acting strangely. It could go forward, but not backward. I was worried. Then, all of a sudden, it worked! I drove out of the parking lot and down the street. What a relief! Then, it made an odd noise. Thump! It stopped, right in the middle of the road. I was so upset, I thought I might cry. “What am I going to do now?” I thought. I quickly called for a tow truck.


I want you to think about including character feelings and reactions in your writing. Remember that in order to get the highest score possible for a narrative, you need to have these types of character reactions and feelings. Retell a small moment paying close attention to character reactions and feelings.

Here is a student example from last year that earned full credit:
(I put her character reactions in bold)

brittany S. room 304 said...
Five years ago, I was helping my mom get ready for the Fourth of July. I was so excited that time was already here. We all knew that my uncle was really sick but we thought he was going to pull through because he was so strong and determined. I was happy that he might get better but I was also sad that he was sick and couldn't be here for the Fourth of July. I still kept my hopes up. Then as we were going to bed the hospital called and said that there was a drastic change and that he was doing better. I was so relieved. Then we all went to bed and we were just excited that he was doing better and that he might come around. Then just as we were going to bed and falling asleep we got another call from the hospital saying that he was doing really bad and that he might die tonight. After that we didn't sleep at all we just stayed up.I was so sad and was thinking of the worst. Then a couple hours later we got a call that he past. I was so sad that I started to cry, but yet I smiled because I knew that he wasn't suffering anymore. We knew that he was in a place far better than the place he was in.

* this was a small thing because we all knew that he was dying*.


  1. One time I was helping my sister bake cupcakes. “There going to be great!” I thought. We left the cupcakes in the oven and went to go watch T.V. “They will be fine.” I thought. After we turned off the T.V we smelled something. “ What is that?” I asked. “The cupcakes are burning!” my sister yelled. We took out the cupcakes and threw them out. “ Great” I said.

  2. Lesley C Room 306Mon Sep 20, 08:28:00 AM

    This morning I woke up late to go to school, I was in a rush.
    My mom screaming in one ear and my sister screaming in the other.
    Words came in and out. I didn’t listen.
    It was 8:15 a.m. I had 10 minutes to get ready.
    I though I wasn’t going to make it. I couldn’t get another tardy. If I did I would get a detention.
    My mom wouldn’t be happy about that. I was scared. I was thinking she’s going to take my phone away.
    So I hurry up. I didn’t do my hair just to get at school on time . I looked all crazy But it was worth it.

  3. Vanessa C Room306Mon Sep 20, 08:29:00 AM

    When I was little one day I was playing with my cars. I know im a girl but I don’t really like to play with dolls . They look scare for me . When I notice somebody was knocking on the door , quickly I ran to open the door DAD!!! .he had something on his hands its was a present I think it was .Its for you he said . I opened quickly it was a big truck iwas happy the best gift my dada ever gave me.

  4. Once pond a time, I was walking home &a wonderful girl named Veronica:]. She was singing a song very loud, it got my attention. She looked so happy, so I decided to go with her &say hello! She looked at me like if I was a freak. “Iam very friendly, talk to me” I said. “Get away freak” She tooled me. She really hurted my feelings. I went home running crying, GOSH! People this days don’t want to be my Amiga:] Ha-ha. Days past &I saw again, she was eating an apple; YUMY! I wanted some, but she didn’t wanted to share. “Sharing is caring” She didn’t thought so. Nope:]

    The next day I called my mom to ask her if she had money :) so I can go but some cheetos and she said “Mija nope!” I was like awwwww but mommy :( so I ran to my room. I ran outside and saw veronica and she said hello! I look at myself and though wait “me”?? oh hi I was happy than ever the first time I had a Amiga wow I felt very happy. But than I hared wake up wake up!! Ehh it was a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ha-ha wow.

  5. One day my dad brought home a little brown dog. I was so excited. “Awesome” I thought. I tried to pet the dog, but it attacked!!!!!! “ Get away “ I yelled. One day it went pee on the carpet and I I had to clean it. “I am going to die from the smell” I said thinking out loud. Then the dog came to lick me. “you will not be so bad.” I thought. He loved to escape from the fence to come inside from the rain.

  6. Alexus M. room 306Mon Sep 20, 08:35:00 AM

    When I first rode my bike I was nervous but thinking in my mind that I could do it! My dad was whispering “ you have this lexy”.
    I had butterflies in my tummy. But I knew I could ride it all by myself.
    So I did and I fell a couple of times.. Ouch it hurt. Once I got the hang of it I started riding faster. That was a bad mistake. I lost control of my bike and fell into a rose bush. I went inside and left my bike outside. I showed my mom that my 2 arms were full of thorns. She was in freak mode. She was asking me if I was okay. “yes” I replied. She told my dad and he came running. He got the peroxide and cotton balls and the tweezers. He started taking my thorns out one by one and it hurt. It was passed 30 minutes…and my dad was finally finished taking out the thorns from my arms and putting the peroxide all over my arms. My dad replied with “do it again and let me see you do that this time”.
    I replied with a smile.

  7. It was on a Halloween night when I was with my friends my sister, my friend Sarah and I.
    We went trick or treating that night I was devil my sister witch and my friend was a cat .We went to a door then nobody answered then…bam.bam noise sounded from the house inside, I got scared .My sister and Sarah pulled me so we can leave …"ahhhhh" we sreamed someone opened the door . A really bIg fat lady opned the door she sreamed "GO AWAY YOU LITTLE RATS". I got mad and told her to get a life .Anyways that was my hallowen night that day was the weirdest day of my life . BIG TIME

  8. Carmen M. Room 306Mon Sep 20, 08:37:00 AM

    Saturday morning I was getting ready to leave to my dads house and I was excited to leave. When my aunt said she was going with my aunts to this yard sales in Harlem and I wanted to go with them so we all went. We went to go pick them up and my grandma also wanted to go too so we went back home to pick her up. When we got there we didn’t see all the yard sales we only saw a few and we didn’t even get to get off that sucked a I was mad because they were taking forever, then when they got off the third time it started to rain I was laughing when they got back they were sucking wet my aunt I was trying to get in but the door was lock my other aunt was trying to open it but you had to pull it up so she was getting more wet then her daughter was the one to pull it up. After that we headed home.

  9. On Saturday it was very rainy and kind of cold. It was so not cool because there was suppose to be a party that day. It was actually my little brothers party. I thought it was going to be amazing but then it started raining in the morning and I thought the party was going to be cancelled since it was outside. I was hoping that the sun came out but it didn’t. I was feeling kind of mad because I wanted to party. The sun didn’t came out which sucked but at least the rain stopped and it wasn’t that cold. So the party wasn’t canceled and I was happy! I had so much fun because I danced a lot and some of my friends came over to my house which was awesome! Even though I was worried in the morning it turned out to be a wonderful day!

  10. Jennifer M.Room 306Mon Sep 20, 08:38:00 AM

    One day I was in my house watching TV. Then I noticed I had a message on my phone. I read it and it was from my friend Bryan. I was so happy because I like talking to him. It was fun and exciting at the same time. He told me that he wanted to see me. That part made me feel sad because I hardly see him. In the end he told me that he was coming for a visit so I could see him. That day was the happiest day of my life.

  11. Jennifer M room306Mon Sep 20, 08:38:00 AM

    One day I was in my house watching TV. Then I noticed I had a message on my phone. I read it and it was from my friend Bryan. I was so happy because I like talking to him. It was fun and exciting at the same time. He told me that he wanted to see me. That part made me feel sad because I hardly see him. In the end he told me that he was coming for a visit so I could see him. That day was the happiest day of my life.

  12. Guadalupe G. room 306Mon Sep 20, 06:39:00 PM

    “You cant go out unless you take your little sister” my mother told my brother..

    “Why do I have to take her I’m 14”

    “I don’t care you have to take her if you want to go out”

    “Fine” my brother said annoyed. I didn’t have a clue of what was going on I was only 5yrs. old .
    I was scared of my brothers friends they looked like giants to me and I felt like a little ant in a huge world.
    I wasn’t that scared an hour later because more little girls were arriving to the house. I hung out and played with a girl her name was Natalie, she was a pretty calm girl. While I was the trouble maker but we still had a good time. 8 years later and we still talk. Things changed though. Its vise versa.

  13. Marcelino P. room 306Wed Sep 22, 05:20:00 AM

    Marcelino P. room 306

    Yesterday, I was playing soccer having fun. I was so happy at that time! Until all of a sudden I saw Fillip throws the ball all crazy about it once. I was laughing so hard as if a monkey was on the street!! Men that was funny as hell. Plus I felt so tired, so that brought up more excitement to the game. Then I hit the ball so hard to Fillip that I even felt pain. But I loved pain so I’m used to. After all of a sudden he throws the ball again but this time all high about it. And guess what happened…it sploded when it hit the ground! Or actually popped in other words. Men you should have seen it, it was as funny as hell! I was laughing so hard that I didn’t have breath. It was as funny as if a chicken had popped and all the eggs came out! That sure brought a lot of excitement to it. But all of a sudden we saw the owner of the ball coming, men that was escaping time! We started to leave and run as fast as we could so he won’t see as. It was as if a chicken was running away from getting eaten or as if I was running away from a wild bull dog! Men that was even funnier than ever!

  14. The time that we spend our first christmas without our family was boring.we spened our christmas alon because our families got mad n they didnt want to spend christmas toghther.New years past n they where still mad.A few days past n the decided 2 make peace n we where all happy n i was relifed.

  15. Time after time you loose someone special to you and not only you suffer others do too. Having someone die in your family is not something to be proud of .One day when I came from school I went to my other house in Danville IL, which is located 2 hrs away from Chicago the feeling that I’m on the road and it’s pitch dark and you really cant see anything. It’s very divesting getting a phone call saying your uncle has past from newmonia and its worst, that’s why you live your life and focus on keeping yourself up and try not to past most of your genes down to others like cancer,newmonia,diabetes ect…..

  16. Christmas of 09’ was coming and everyone was asking for everything and especially the little brothers. “I want an iPod,” I would say and my little brother would always want the same. The night of 12/24/09 was here and we spent the night watching movies. We each chose one. I chose ‘District 9’. It was an amazing movie of a man who was being attacked because he was turning into an alien. The aliens looked like cockroaches. We slept at 11:00 p.m. because we couldn’t wait until midnight. We woke up at 5:00 a.m. and the Christmas tree was looking better than ever because it was stuffed with presents under it. We all got what we wanted and had a great Christmas.

  17. Small, I used to have this Friend which was a Boy, and I Forgot his Name. One day we Were Playing Ball like Tossing it around, so we got locked out from the Door. Then, the boy’s Sister only let in the Boy except for me. So, I Started to cry, and this Police men say’s what’s wrong ,and were I Lived and I Pointed were, then later they open the and, let me Inside.

  18. When I was 11 years old I was thinking about my future. When it hit me I really loved animals so I wanted all animals to be save and healthy. I told my mom and she told me that I can do nothing if I try! I was happy that I ran to my friend and said I a want to be a veterinary she look at me and said “you dumb because that is not a job”! I was really upset and started to cry. I ran home to my mommy and said” honey don’t lesson to what people tell you until they prove you wrong just try your hardest:”! At that moment I realized I can!! I smiled because I know I can because I try and life is all about trying and learning! :)

  19. This morning I woke up. And I felt so happy because it was the last day. Then I felt like taking a shower then I got dressed and thought It would be a good day.untile I saw Mrs. Novick!!! just kidding

  20. Jose Muñoz

    Something that happened to me is that when I woke up I was almost late. I woke up in a hurry and I got worried. I woke up at 8:00 a.m. I had to hurry up. I was in a hurry. My would get furious when she would get here. I had a quick bowl of cereal. I was still hungry.

    When I got there It was almost time to go into class. Then I had a sudden realization, I had to present my project. I had to go all the way back home. I started to run and I was almost there. I tried to take out my keys and they were tangled in the strings of my pocket. I had to use my two hands to free the keys from my pocket.

    I had the keys and hurried to open the door. I called my mom to ask her were my project was. She said it was under my bed. I ran to my room and thanked her. I quickly got the project and left.

    I had to run to school. I was almost there when I saw them closing the doors. I felt heat in my face. I ran faster and before the door closed I grabed it. I was relived that I had gotten there.

    In class I presented my project and I struggled. When I got my grade I felt furious at my self. I got a C on my project. My mom would not be mad at what happened to me but that I got a C on my hard work.

  21. Santos O. Room 302Thu Sep 23, 08:34:00 AM

    I was having the worst day ever. At school I had not done most of my homework. “Oh no!” I said to myself as I was trying to find my homework.
    “I could not find it” I told Ms. Cook in a terrified voice. Soon she finished checking every other persons homework and I waited nervously to see what she would do. “Less than half of you did your homework!” she shouted. I was afraid of the consequences. “Those of which have it, you don’t have a detention, but those who don’t you’ll get a detention” I gasped at the fact that I was going to get a detention my first one. “No No No!” I though in library I can get a detention now. The day ended and at homeroom Ms. Cahill announced who was getting a detention. After she finished I felt relived at the fact that my name was not called.

  22. juan .a room 302Thu Sep 23, 08:35:00 AM

    I was riding on my bike when suddenly another biker did not see me since I was very little and short, and he collapsed on top of me and his whole bike fell on my leg .my brothers got mad at the person who hit me and said the man should be more careful next time. I started crying until my sister bought me an ice-cream and we went inside our house with my ice-cream

  23. When I first heard about the Hunger games I thought It was so lame. Then
    In enrichment ,my Teacher was going to read the Hunger Games and I didn’t
    Want to hear it. Later after a while I started to pay more attention and I started to
    Like it. One Monday later I checked out the book and I was reading it. I thought
    It was so interesting that I didn’t want to let it down. I finished it and it was so
    Great the next day I went to the library I took a Test and passed it. Then I learned
    When I don’t want to do something because I think it’s lame. After that when I do
    That thing that I didn’t like I begin to like it. Now I’m waiting until the librarian gets
    The second book for me. Which I cant wait because I’m so excited.

  24. It was a weekend when it happened. I was excited because my Dad have bought me some new roller-skates. I wanted to go outside and skate, but my parents wouldn’t let me because it was winter. My heart sank of disappointment, instead of skating outside I started skating INSIDE my house. My parents told me to stop and that I was going to fall and hurt myself, but I didn’t listen and just started skating my way through the house. Until I decided to eat and pretend I was a waitress. When I finished my delicious meal I was skating toward my kitchen I suddenly tripped and fell front first. A rush of panic swept over me and I looked down and I saw that I had fell and broke the plate under me. I suddenly started to feel Woozy and my sister ran to me in Panic and burst to tears. Then I felt myself faint. Then I woke up in my bed, my sister told me everything and I know now that I shouldn’t skate inside.

  25. Yesterday I woke up, I did my hair and when I put the gel on my hair it felt all squishy. After that I got all my stuff and made sure I did all my homework and had my materials. Then I ate bread with milk. I loved it because it was delicious and the milk was all warm omg it was so good. Anyways I got to school and stared to talk with my friends.

  26. I remember how in the way to Mexico I felt. One word… terrible! At first I felt ready and eager to go. I wanted to start our trip so badly , I could of screamed “ Let’s go already!”. All my cousins were in the car ready to go. I joined their talk. “I cant wait! I want to go already!” my cousin said. “So can’t I !” I replied excited . “ Wake me up at 5:00 pm” said my brother said sleepy. I looked at the road and imagined the car moving . “Aaauuhh!” screamed my cousin . “What’s taking so long?!”. “ Let’s go ask.” I said.. When we asked our parents our excitement turned to sadness. We don’t leave until midnight!

    Finally! When we got on the road , It was so dark I couldn’t see my own nose. I waited and waited for 2 whole hours. Then my cousin dared me to stay up all night! I excitedly answered ”YES” I wish I didn’t say that! After the night was over my head hurt . I felt sick . Plus my cousin fell asleep eating a sandwich on my pants! After 2 days of sitting my butt felt so num ,when I got off the car I fell to the floor! Then when I sleep in a hotel bed I sleep like a rock! This wasn’t the worst!

  27. We were in the yard. Everyone was happy and smiling and, it was my brother’s birthday. Not the most exciting thing but, it was a reason to throw a party. My brother was no where to be found, and we were ready to cut the cake. I look at the cake and my stomach growled, the candles were melting and wax was getting all over the cake! Where the heck was my brother?! The suspense was killing me, how could someone that old let a cake get all waxy. The poor cake, it was all filled with frosting and all chocolaty inside. The suspense was killing me! I lunged forward and threw my head into the cake. As I ate, it was so good, the best ever. I pulled my head out and, everyone was looking at me. Everyone shrugged there shoulders and started grabbing handfuls of cake. My brother came outside, with his mouth hanging open. “What happened he asked?”
    “You were gone to long, so we ate it.” I said innocently
    “For 2 minutes” He said
    “Oh well” and we continued to eat.

  28. carlos armando calleros 302Thu Sep 23, 08:39:00 AM


  29. xXCrazyInfernoxXThu Sep 23, 08:39:00 AM

    One day when I was like 8 my parents were gone to the doctor and it was me and my brothers and sister. It was cool. We were watching a movie it was so cool. We were also eating chips and popcorn. Later I heard something outside so I went to check. I looked around and only saw a squirrel. I went back to go inside when the door from the inside door was locked and I couldn’t get back in! I screamed from my brothers and sister. They heard me and tried opening the door but it didn’t budge. I even tried pushing. Still nothing. They got a hammer and knife and everything to open it and it worked. We broke something on top. I was in finally! 30 minutes later my parents came and said what happened! We told them the story about how u think something can change good to bad in a second.

    * Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

  30. Today I was in Mrs.Novik class . We all know Mrs. Novik goes for cubs I don’t mind that, but I don’t go for cubs but I don’t hate them. She told Mrs. Cahill that the white sox weren’t going to the playoffs I was shocked at the comment so I said
    “that’s not nice I think that they are because there AWESIUM.”
    “she said that’s what I think “
    “you could write about it “she said and I did .

  31. Orlando O. Room 302Thu Sep 23, 08:42:00 AM

    2 years ago, I thought my first day of school was going to be the best day of my life. I woke up with a cranky mood and aches on my back. “Ah, my back!” I said as I got up. Then once I got to the school homeroom, most of the students made fun of me for who I was. I hated myself. Plus, on my way home, I fell off my bike into a puddle of mud. But until today, I never underestimate my 1st day ever again.

  32. Samantha Barrera 306Thu Sep 23, 01:10:00 PM

    It was the summer and I was that my sister’s house in Kansas. It was so hot that my sisters and I did not go outside my other sister Natalie was in the living room taking care of the babies. I and my other sister Marcy were really bored and we had nothing to do because the babies were sleeping already. My sister and I were planning to go outside and get wet it have been a long time since we have ever spanned time with each other. In my head I was remember the last time I had spend time with her I was a little girl. When we were outside getting ready with the water holes it was hard at first because we did not know were the water came from the house. After we found it me and my sister we were already having fun. We were throwing water at each other like old times. It was fun me and my sister were throwing water balloons at each other. When it was about 4:00 I was getting cold because of the water was no longer hot and warm. After we were done getting wet we were chilling outside and then a bee came and we ran back to the house and Natalie was think why we were running, but she did not ask. At the end of the day we told everyone at dinner what happened to us. They were laughing at us, but we knew how funny it was for us to run away from a bee. That night I told my sister Marcy that I would never forget that day and want to sleep.

  33. Cristina F. Room 302Thu Sep 23, 02:56:00 PM

    Why? Why me? I thought to myself. Right now I am stuck on this bridge which seems like its heading no where. My family and I went to the mall to go look for outfits for the wedding we are going on Sunday. I didn’t want to go, but I knew it was my only chance to find something to wear. I didn’t want to go because it meant I could miss my favorite show. The season premiere was tonight! I went anyways because they all said we would be back by then. Liars, they’re all liars. It’s about 6:35 and we finally reach the end of the bridge, finally. I fought I was going to stay here forever. The light turn’s red, just my luck. Again I feel like it’s the end of the world. After what feels like about five hours, it was four minutes, the light turns green. I arrive with no minutes to spear. I will never leave to the mall on Thursdays again.

  34. One day when all my family was going to go to Wisconsin to my aunt’s house because we were going to do a barbeque. I saw my aunt preparing the thing for the barbeque but she said mm were is the meat then my mom said didn’t your husband went to go buy it I don’t know let me go ask him.
    ‘’ did you bought the meat.’’
    ‘’no I thought you were going to buy.’’
    My mom was mad so she went to buy the meat .when my mom come back from the store she said ‘’here is the meat.’’ My dad and uncle went to turn on the grill. Then my dad went to go get the meat inside so they can cook it and we can all ready eat.
    ‘’the meat is ready dad said bring the other food so we can eat, ‘’ they called our names Stephanie and Danny and Emily come so you guys can eat.
    Mom said if it was not for her we would not be eating .I laughed ha-ha mom you are funny. It was getting late dad said lets go already .

  35. One day i went to the libary it was all new for me.I was so sraced because i didnt know were anything was.Then there was this nice libaryern i was so happy because she helped me with everything.Then i got used to it i went again and again when i had time to be there and help her out. i love to go to that libary. =0

  36. it was a normal day and it was a wonderful sunny day at the sametime and it would change if it was rainy.i really dont like the rain because its so boring in the house.ugh!!!so what i did in the summer was playing soccer and i would run all the time and challenge myself,with other friends of mine.when it was 4:50am. i broke my leg .crack, twisted and i dislocated it ,i was very worried.the ambulance came ,WEUU,WEUU.I was very happy to get it fixed. Ambulence took me away.i have felt better..

  37. Fernando M. R 303Tue Oct 12, 08:31:00 AM

    One day I opened a pot of beans and hot water and I said “ water is coming out !’’ so I got burned on my leg and it felt cold but then It burned and I said “AH IT HURTS’’ I screamed like a man not a woman I was tough. I put toothpaste on the spot that I got burned it was kind of cold.

  38. One day one of my friends were playing truth or dare. I had just dared him to go and put on a punk dress. He just stared at me with hate in his eyes before agreeing to change. When he came out I was laughing so hard tears were coming out my eyes. He sat down which was hard considering the dress was to tight.

    He crossed his arms and looked at me again “I feel like a male punk version of Sailor Moon.”

    I just laughed even harder. I couldn`t even believe that he agreed to do that. I wish I had a video camera to remember this.

    “You know you have to wear that the rest of the game right?”

    All he did was stare at me again, and looked like he wanted to kill me that second.

  39. On a Saturday afternoon my brother had a party. His fine friend; Jose<3 went. Geo went too. The music was so loud I thought my ear drums were going to pop.! Jose sang el sonidito;D Geo and Jorgee. The next day I meet Chon my cousins boyfriend’s brother;D We went to the movies and munched out on Popcorn. It was too Buttery.!

  40. One day we had a party and it batism and it in Wisconsin and my parents were the god fathers so we were and when I received a call saying I need it to go to a soccer game and my parents said you need to choose a place were to go and the game was the finals so I choose the batism because it was more important.


  42. When it was New Years Eve my mom’s friend came and she brought beer and cake. I was scared because my mom was getting drunk and it was my moms first time getting drunk. When her friend left she was so drunk that she couldn’t stand up. I started to cry because she was freaking me out. I had to sleep with my little sister . I woke up the next day by my mom vomiting. My dad woke up and said “your mom kept on screaming ,Where are the tacos. ’’ I started to laugh and knew my mom would never get drunk ever again.

  43. One sogy day in the morning I had school I waz feeling tired=(and I asked my dad I have to go to school”?woried "yes selena you have to go to school” my dad said That I went to sleep for 10 more minutes=] den I woke up and omg! It waz 8: 20! I hurried then I rushed out da door. Since that day I learned that I hav to go to school on time=\ I got so mad! At him but I waz like w.e and ya I went to school=\ it waz ok I guess=0 i waz still mad at him though.

  44. jameric c room 303Tue Oct 12, 08:37:00 AM

    One cool day was a Sunday me knowing that we were going to a party, I was so excited that we were going to the party and then it turned five o’clock and we went to the party. We got there and they brought out the beer and the liquor so my mom drank some tequila and coronas so she got drunk and she told my brother to take care of us for five dollars. The party ended and we went home late because we live across the street. Well we got home I was so tired I wanted to cry but since I fall asleep fast and don’t wake up until the morning she wouldn’t let me so I was mad. She started puking and I totally forgot about the she paid my brother to take care of us. So I started crying because she acted that she had no kids. So I called my neighbor and she came over quickly. Then she mad fun of me and I just kicked her out. So now everybody knows how to make me cry.

  45. A few months ago one of my cats went missing. His name was Tito. A few days earlier we had just recently polished the living room floor. So when we wanted to go upstairs we had to use the backdoor of the second floor. When my family wanted to get something from the second floor they would send me to get it. Since I was already tired from the 15 other things that I had to get I carelessly left the door open. After I delivered the item I saw that the door was open. That door led to kitchen were my cats lived. I counted the cats and there was one missing. I quickly got worried. A few days later I started getting more and more worried. Then Tito came back in the middle of the night. He was completely black. I was astounded of the shape he was in. He was thinner. He went from a vanilla ice cream colored cat to a dirt covered cat. Even though he smell terrible I was glad I had Tito back.

  46. Yestarday I was worried because it was the last day of my school vacations. I was real worried because we had a lot of homework and I need it to finish so I went inside my house to do my homework. I took my homework out of my backpack and finish all my homework. I was real Happy and went outside to play with my friends.

  47. Maira S. Room 303.Tue Oct 12, 03:50:00 PM

    So It was a Wednesday afternoon My older sister have just arrived from work. So she ate and everything. I was sitting in the couch mad &. Annoyed. I dint want anybody talking to me. She’s like go wash the dishes I was like Nooo!,why should I she’s like’ cause Is said so-So I ignored her. She was getting me more pissed so I just went to my room and slammed the door really hard. That I though I broke it. I calmed down and went outside all my family was there. So she started telling me all this stuff so I just slapped her with anger.Jajaja so I was running around so she can catch me and she did so she was going to slap me , her hand was like in my face. But I grabbed it and pulled it back. Inside I felt really bad cause she was my sister and I Love Her.
    On Friday of that week she came home, and I saw this thing on her finger . I asked what It was &. She said that I had broken her finger! . I felt ashamed, sad. I apologized to her &. Told her not to mess with me or else Ill brake another one.Buahahahahaha.

  48. It was a normal day. My cousin was going to come over for a cook out , They were going to get here at 5:00 p.m. It was about 3:00 and we still needed to get the meat from the store and the soda. When we got back from the store my aunt was waiting for us outside my house. So we got the grill out to the back yard my cousin and my brother were taking out the table. When everything was ready we…ate. When we were done eating we spent talking and playing outside. Time passes really fast when we notice it was dark. My dad was putting the chairs away when we heard a loud ‘BOOM” we immediately went to see what caused the noise. When we got there my dad was laying on the floor. He tripped and fell on top of his knee and got hurt. I felt worried but at the same time I wanted to laugh . We took him to the hospital and he got a cast for his knee. That day was full of surprises.

  49. I as sleeping in my bed and my alamrm cloc ring. it was time to get ready to go to school.I did not want to go to school. I thought that today was the last day before we go out to vacation for fall. I got up and got ready. I told my mom to make me my breakfast. My mom gave me a fruits. I sat down and start eating. My mom sat with me and we were talking. I look at the clock and it was 8:20 am. I went to brush my teeth and went to school.

  50. Manases L. Room 303Wed Oct 13, 02:23:00 PM

    I can remember a time when I was in karate class and I had to fight as part of my test to get my purple belt. I tried to keep myself confident by thinking, “I shouldn’t worry, I’ll do just fine, or I’m not going to get the snot kicked out of me,” but I kept feeling like I was going to vomit and go #2 at the same time. When it was time for my fight I had to fight 3 people. Of course not at the same time though. The first match had gone okay, I throw a couple of punches and kicks and I got hit a lot. I thought “well maybe I was right this won’t be so bad,” but I was lying because I was literally shacking with fear. The second match was bad. My opponent practically knocked the air out of me and at one point I almost got kicked in my manhood. Before my final match I thought, “There is no way I’m going survive this”. When it was time to fight I had no more strength and what made things worse was the fact that the person I was fighting hit me like a ton of bricks. When all was, I looked dead and I felt like a deer that got hit by a car. At the end of class the instructor called the people who tested and he told me I’m getting a purple belt. When I heard that I smiled in my head and thought, “that was so totally worth getting the snot beaten out of me.

  51. One day I was walking through the auditorium.When I heard a sound of something dripping.I got so scared I could of ran none stop,but i didn`t.The noise got louder and louder.I wanted to yell I did yell but in a low voice.Then I heard footsteps from the back now I was really freaked out.I gently look back.It was a teacher.She asked me "what are you doing out here."I said "i went to the office to turn something in."Then she left I was alone this time I did run.

  52. It was a Monday morning. "Oh no school" I thought "Why does it have to be today". I was nervous instead of mad because the first day of 8th grade. I hide beneath the covers. "If I go might not know anyone" I kept thinking. I had to go anyways. I got up and went to go get ready. When I went to school most of my friends were in my class. I made new friends as well. I felt relived and happy that I wasn't alone.

  53. Paola J 304 ♪ ☺Thu Oct 14, 09:31:00 PM

    Last year, I was ready to join BOB, which stands for Battle of the Books. I had already read the Hunger Games, & loved it. If the books were as good as the Hunger Games, I couldn't wait to read the rest of the list!
    People always called me a nerd because I was in BOB, but I didn't listen. I didn't really care for there comments. I knew I was a nerd, & I was happy that way. I am happy this way. :D
    I was all for BOB, & excited, until I found out my sister wanted to join the team as well. I was so mad! My mom always made us do things together, since we were only a year apart, & now that we could be in different things, she WANTED to? I couldn't believe it! She was always the one complaining about doing things together, & now she wanted to? It was so annoying. >:|
    I tried to convince her to not join, tried to convince her it was boring, but she wouldn't budge.
    In the end, she was in BOB anyway, but i wasn't as mad anymore, because we barely saw each other at the competition. She was on a whole separate team, so I was happy.

  54. It was Halloween that day when I was watchimg my favorite movie. My brother was begging me to take him trick-or-treating but I really did not feel like it. My mom saw that he was crying so she told me to take him around some blocks to get candy. I was frustrated with her because she knew I was watching my "novela" and that Idid not want to go. Anyway I got up and turns out that my brother got a lot of candy. There was good candy so I sort of grabbed one.

    It was night when we were heading back home. I turned around and saw this guy walking behind us. I was real scared. When I saw that he walked past a light post I could see his face. It was my dad. Was I relieved or what? He said he came looking fro us because it was night already. My sister and mom had a laugh at what I told them and I missed my "novela" which sucked.

  55. One day i was on my way to dentist to get my braces. I felt really scared. I didn't know if it would hurt. I was waiting for them to call me. It felt like i was sitting on the chair for a long time. Finally I was called. While they were putting them on I was trembeling thinking they were going to hurt me. It didn't hurt, but i wasn't used to them. I was glad it didn't hurt.

  56. one day i didnt sleep at all. i couldnt sleep. then the next day it was a school day. i woke up at 8:00 am but i was to sleepy to go to school. i was in a bad mood. and sense i was really sleepy on my way to school i triped and fell so then i was agravated. then i got up and kept walikng. but once i saw my friends i felt better and got in a good mood. my friends cheerd me up with their jokes :)

  57. FaustoPortales 303Fri Oct 15, 08:35:00 AM

    One day i was walking home. Beacause i got out of school already. well wen i was walking home 4 gangbangers were chasing me iwas frightend but i escaped from them luckly.

  58. One day i wa sin the car with my day. It was a very nice day & we were on our way to Mcdonalds. I was really hungry &' I was so excited to go to Mcdonalds with my dad. I was like 8 years old when this happened. I really liked my dad he always took me out.
    We got to Mcdondald & we got out the car. We walked inside, order our meals, & sat at a table. My dad had told me he needed to tell me something very important. I was very curios. He told me that he had to go to mexican &' stay there because he had a problem here. When my ears caught those sound waves I felt my heart drop. I burted out into tears & i dirent even notice. My dad huged me & said he loved me & that i can go ivsit him whenever i wanted to. I felt so sad , my hunger went away. I couldnt eat anymore. I was really sad for the next 2 weeks, then the day came when he had to leave. My house was filled with emotions that day. That was the most saddest day of my life.

  59. Rainy Days

    I love Rainy Day Because they Show My Mood Alot.Im usually in a bad mood so when its rainy I like to sit in a window n just look at it. then i turn happy(:

  60. I was riding on my bike when suddenly i saw ceser riding bikes did not see me since I was in wisconsin for vacation,when i saw him he fell so hard that hi hit me with the bike and we both felt; so the same day we whent to a party and this fat kid had his car and we drive it me and cesar and the fat kid we did not got cot and its all good

  61. One day I was playing my video game system when my brother would come. I was playing this sports game and i would have an opportunity to score a goal. Then my brother would ignore me and failed to score a point. When that happened, I would get very frustrated with him a little.Then, he also got kind of mad too when I would be mad. Later my brother would apologize of what he did when I would lose in the video game.That would be a feeling of what I would have

  62. Halloween. My Favorite Holiday. What's Not To Like? Free Candy,Staying Up Late & Trading Candy With Your Siblings. One Year I Was Out With My Cusins, We Were All Trying To Get More Candy Than Eachother. We Were Hyper From The Candy We Ate Before We Left. We Were Racing Eachother From One House To The Other.
    Halloween, My Favorite Part Of The Year.

  63. What I saw was people walking or marching down a wide open field with gun they were waring blue unforms.Then they put gun powder im their bazzoka reloading to fire at their enemies.I didnt see 28,000 men like they always say their is but i only saw like 50 to 70 people.I saw people die getting shoot.This wasnt the way i expected a war cause most people were just getting shoot like nothing

  64. What I saw was people marching down a big plain field.They were also playing the drums and dressed up in suits.What I noticed was that they get there marching and they dont even shoot.I also noticed that they all had the same guns no one had different guns.

  65. When i first learned how to jump rope. I thought that I was never going to be able to learned how to jump. Then I met this person named Marcos. He saw me trying to jump rope. YOU SUCK! GIVE IT UP! he said. I told him if you really know how to jump rope then teach me how to jump rope. Thwn my mom saw him teaching me and thought wrong. Esther get inside the house. Igot inside the house then i explained to her what was he teaching me to due. Mom he is teaching me how to jump rope. okay! go outside I felt like if she was not confident of me going to hang out with Marcos to teach me.

  66. A day at after school I was bored out of my mind. I had thought we needed to be stay for hours we had stayed for one.I had thought we needed to be quiet.I was wrong but you needed to be focus.We had fun i guess we where just craking up the hole period of after school.

  67. Audriannah H. 304Mon Oct 18, 02:28:00 PM

    Summer was finally here, i'd been waiting all year, to go to the beach. my sisters, Ashley, Mariah and i were laying the grass, it wasn't all too hot out, but we really wanted to swim, we lay on the grass for a couple of hours, listening to the music that blared from my ipod speakers.
    right when Mariah and i got up to get in the water lighting filled the sky. the life guards screamed telling everyone to get out of the water. i was really upset. i had to go back to school soon, and i hadn't got to swim. I hadn't seen Mariah in almost two months, since she lives in a bad neighborhood, my mom wouldn't let me go alone. it started to rain, and i was angry now, my phone was drowned in water, and the battery was done. the rain ruined my phone. my speakers were wet, my shirt and shorts were soaked now, we were a long way from home. i was really upset, i started to cry, i felt stupid, but i had missed her, and swimming was something we always did together. the rain continued on for hours, but Ashley, wouldn't let that ruin our day. we got on the bus and headed to Millennium Park. Where we met up with friends, TJ, Anelise and Andrew. We hung out there until almost 11:30. we still stayed at the park, since Andrew goes to DeVry, he took me and Anelise to see iron man 2 at DeVry.

    I was happy, i was so glad that the rain didn't stop us from having an amazing day. Finally, it was around 1:30 when i got home. though, i was really late, i had an amazing day. I was ecstatic.

  68. Two years ago I woke up confused, it was saturday morning and it was rainy and gloomy outside. All of my family was there everyone seemed sad and my grandma was crying. I asked my mother what was going on and she just said "Your uncle just died". I knew what uncle she was talking about. My heart sank, I felt a knot forming in my throat.I couldn't believe it I had just talked to him a few days ago. The next couple of weeks no one seemed to smile in the house. Later we found out that it was a murder case which made the situation worse. For a month no one spoke about anything but that, when the case was solved we all felt relieved i guess and we left it behind. We still all miss my uncle and we remember him.

  69. Miguel Arroyo 303Tue Oct 19, 08:23:00 AM

    The first time I flew in a plane was about 3 years ago. I was really nervous I had remembered all those movies when something wrong goes in the plane . Either the plane crashes or ther’s a terrorist attack I don’t know . My heart was about to explode .There I was in . really nervous I sat down . Before I use to ride planes all the time but I was small back then I cant remember. Riding the plane was not so bad the seats were really comfortable and many people were around me since it was my first time flying alone .You could see everything from up there and people looked like ants. I talked with many people there. Once I got off I thought to myself “my nightmare just turned into a fun trip”.

  70. two years ago my grandfather had got really sick and we found out that he had diabietes and was put in the hospital we were so worried about him and if he would make it than one morning we got a call from the hospital that he had died from a heart attack and needed to come down there we were so sad but its ok because he doesnt have to suffer any more hes in a better place.

  71. One day I was playing an online game and both teams were tied, each side needed one more kill to wind and end the game. I tried getting that last kill until I turned around and I saw a knife coming straight toward my face. I was like OH-EM-GEE.

  72. this happend on my birthday. i woke whit a smile in my face.i dressup so i kuld kum to skoo once i was in skoo mrs esposito tuck me out on mr bar's class .while we were walkig to the office .i ask her why we were goin to the office she told me that the pricipal wanted to talk to me .i thot that she was goin to tel me happy b-day ,but that wasent for that .once i got in the office my sile was gone because my mom was there .iwas in trouble abd that was the worst b-day .am never goin to 4get it

  73. For my birthday my mom made me a party. I was turning 12, and I was very excited almost a teenager. I had invited family and friends over. Finally,time to open presents!!!!! I walked over to the table where all the presents were at."AWWW,SO MANY PRESENTS,SO MANY SHINY BAGS!!!" I opened all the presents on the table.My next and last present was in a big box.As the box was handed to me it started moving."Ahh, what is it?"As surprised as I was I nearly dropped the box.I placed it on the table.Ripped the wrapping paper and saw a little black nose come out.I ripped the paper even faster.As I finished, I saw a puppy. I was happy,excited, and sad all at the same time. That was the best birthday ever!!!!!!! All thanks to my parents.

  74. One day when I was like 8 my parents were gone to the doctor and it was me and my brothers and sister. It was cool. We were watching a movie it was so cool. We were also eating chips and popcorn. Later I heard something outside so I went to check. I looked around and only saw a squirrel. I went back to go inside when the door from the inside door was locked and I couldn’t get back in! I screamed from my brothers and sister. They heard me and tried opening the door but it didn’t budge. I even tried pushing. Still nothing. They got a hammer and knife and everything to open it and it worked. We broke something on top. I was in finally! 30 minutes later my parents came and said what happened! We told them the story about how u think something can change good to bad in a second.

    sorry about xXCrazyInfernoXx mr barr that was me but u didnt know

  75. For my christmas present my parents told me that they were going to give me my presents two weeks earlier, i was so exited!!!Then they had told my sister and me that we were going to Mexico. I had been jumping of exitement, i was so happy.It had been my first time going.When i had came back from Mexico i was so thankful to them for giving me the best christmas present ever!!!!!

  76. One day i stayed after school with my friend Maria. For some sience paper thing. After she was done we walkied around the school just around the 8th graders untill we saw that everyone was in Mr.Barr's calss so we were noisy and went inside everyone was like "OMG what are you guys here" that's not nice but whatever. Then we were just talking to Mr.Barr some nasty stuff i was thinking in my mind "Ewwww!!" but it was hilarious :] Maria and Alondra were talking about some nasty stuff. Then we keept buging Mr.Barr it was funny. Then we didn't wanna go home but he didnt let us he's like "Go home" ughhh! So we decided to go home. After we went just walking around it was funny cause we saw Heriberto and he saied "I feel like a pimp" hahaha he was hilarious! Then he had to go soposoly. Then me and Sammy went to drop of Maria because her Mommy was going so we left her and i took some cookies. Then we walked around Sammy and me and we went homeeee (:

  77. GisselleRiooosss302Thu Oct 21, 08:26:00 AM

    One day i woke up i felt reaalllyyy energetic,and happy.. So i was happy to go to school. I got dressed, did my hair, put mascara and left to Jackie's house. We ate and then left...I was good, ti'll some very unfair teacher told me to switch seats , just cause i was talking, when other people were talkiing right infront of he's face.. After that, my day got ruined and i feltangry..!!!!!

  78. it was my first day of eighth grade,that means a new school.i ndidnt like it at first brecause i was all thinking about my friends all doing there plans in eighth grade and how to improve.but i now enjoy my new school.

  79. Ariadna L.rm 302Thu Oct 21, 08:42:00 AM

    One moring when i wake up there was a warn day my cousins were comming for a visit i went to do my room my mom was doing some breake fast my brother was doing his roon then my big brother came , then my uncle came and then they start coming and it was fun enough.
    We all were start eating pancakes with honey and then me and all my cousins went to the store near my house there is one friend of my that i use to talk to him and now i dont but he is nice ,on his reporcards he has
    and when he does not goes to school
    he is just working and he is shy too...our visits are fun because we get to play with our cousins and i just know its fun to have visiters.

  80. Norma A. Room 304.

    It was the worst day of my life! I was going down the road with my family. We were on our way to buy groceries, it had been a good day so far. I was happy! The store we were going to go grocery shopping was just 20minutes away. I couldn’t wait until we got their.
    But before I even thought of something happening, I had a strange feeling. Something like a feeling I’ve never gotten before. I was getting nervous. Without me even thinking, because I was so focus on my pain I had. We had crashed. All I felt at that moment was WHAT HAPPENED! I started to panic. I didn’t know what to do. I felt like tears where running down my cheeks. I looked and see if everyone was okay. Gladly everyone was just fine. It seemed the car accident was terrible. But when I looked and seen it wasn’t that bad. I was full of emotions. But thank god we were okay, (:

  81. this happen on my birthday when i was wakeing up and my mom,dad,and my brothers were singing happy birthday to me and the first thing i did was looking at my dads picture frame i wich that he cud of been with me all days long and specislly on my birthday than se estaba asiendo tarde so we started to clean the house and when it got latter one of my best friend came to my house and i dont know how he find out that the 1st was my birthday we were cleaning the back yard than mi tio benito was gonna be my dj but then some lady call him and he left and than late at night all my friend and family came and the party never finish untill 1 in the morning.

  82. One day at school I was having one of those days where you get into trouble.The teacher was out of the classroom for like a half hour and left no adult in the classroom so all of us could misbehave with nobody watching us.Iwas throwing papers with another student and everybody was watching us.After we calmed down and stopped throwing papers I pick them up.We weren't the only ones that had been throwing papers.
    When we were about to leave home our teacher walked around the classroom and saw papers on the floor."It was Jorge." I heard that Anthony Sanchez said.
    "Jorge come here.Where you throwing these papers around?" my teacher asked.
    "But.He.I Picked.That wasn't me." I answered.
    "I've had enough." the teacher said.
    "Oh no she is going to give me a detention." I said to myself.
    "Here you have to get it signed by your parents." my teacher said.
    So I got a dtention.

  83. One rainny foggy day my mom was in mexico for 3 weeks.She had gone there because she had found out that my grandpa had cancer in his leg.She was so sad and my grandma was crying Every night i would talk to her and i'd ask her "how's my grandpa doing?" "not so good he kepps getting worst and worst everyday,his leg looks like a rotten fruit and it feels like a rock the color was purple purple."she would say sadly. then when it was time for her to come back to chicago she would satrt to cry while she was saying "good-bye." then a week later went camping with my friends,my dad called me he told me that my grandpa had died. i felt like a knife stabing me in my heart.i started to cry.all my friends started hugging me and telling me not to worry because he will always be with me,in my heart.

  84. Daniel M Room 302Thu Oct 21, 05:24:00 PM

    It was when I was 8 years old. One day I was really but really bored their was nothing to do, out of no where I thought of a "Great" idea. My idea was to jump out of my window I thought I will land well. I open the window sat on the edge and I jump I land it hard my leg was bleeding really badly at that moment I knew I did a "Bad idea”. Now every time I look out the window I get scared my flash back come back and remember if u bored just read a book!!

  85. It was monday and me and my friend were going to the library we were sort of fulling around .I check the time " were suppose to be home like in half and hour!!"I told my friend .we work as fast as we could and i was sure that this wasn't going to be the best work . we finished and i was full of relieve.we hurried home with just minites to spare .

  86. Christmas. My Favorite Part Of The Year! Presents, Family Vististing, & Showing Off Youf Gifts. Especialy When You Get Alot Of Gifts. Seeing Who Gets The Most Gifts. It's Like A Race To See Who Can Open There Gifts First.

  87. The time I had a rabbit for a week.

    It was my 11th birthday and my sister had bought me a rabbit I wasn’t good at picking names but my bunny was brown and i called him : Brownie. I am pretty sure he was a boy rabbit but it was just a guess. I loved my bunny even if my mom didn’t (He had peed on the couch and my mom was still angry about it. I always let him be outside for an hour or two he would eat grass and run around. We fed him carrots and my sister would give him kool - aid he liked it so we he always drank it. One day I came home from school and my rabbit wasn’t in his cage. I looked around my room and he wasn’t their either. I walked into the kitchen and I saw a towel over something on the table it was moving “what’s that ?” I asked abit hesitantly she looked at me and then picked up the towel. MY rabbit was dead . I later learned my sister had put to much sugar in his kool -aid and he had gotten a heart attack. I only had him for a week………..
    (My sister still owes me a rabbit)
