Monday, September 22, 2014

Explaining Theme

Explain the theme (large message/lesson about life) that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate. Explain what the theme means by giving at least two examples from your life. Make the connections specific and clear.


  1. Cesar M. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:48:00 AM

    The theme of the poster is trying to say that you shouldn't judge anyone before you're perfect. When I went to the church, outside of it their was a kid that would always get bullied and their were 2 other kids that were throwing this string thing and their was this girl that was taking pictures and saying that they were going to post this in the internet. They were also telling him that he should die. The kids that were bullying him don't know what he's been thru, They would need to be in his shoes for a day.

  2. Oscar M. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:48:00 AM

    I think the theme of this poster is that people need to stop judging people by how they dress or what they wear. The poster is trying to tell the people is that if you want to judge people you should get in their position to see how it feels and to stop judging them. For example, in this poster the image is showing a person wearing two water bottles as shoes and the poster is saying that if you want to judge his shoes you should put them on and walk a mile with them. This is why I think stop judging is the theme of this poster.

  3. charles.m 1st periodThu Sep 25, 06:48:00 AM

    I think that the theme about this picture is don't juge people who they are until you know what they have been though so just don't juge how they look because if you were like that you would not like it if you were like that to.

  4. I think the theme is to not judge someone by the way they are or wear and i think people need to not make fun of people because you don't know what they been thro there life something bad might of happen and so they act the why they act or they dress the way they dress or they look the way they look some people are poor so that might be a reason they look the way they look but i think people should step in there shoes and see what they been thro there whole life thats why people shouldent make fun of homeless people because u dont know what they been thru in there life probably someone did something to make them poor you never know .

  5. the them of this message is don't make fun of a person that doesn't have great shoes.

  6. Jesus A. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:53:00 AM

    La imagen muestra , la oracion que dice demuestra que hay gente rica que solo desperdicia el dinero por cualquier cosa como por ejemplo compran toda la coleccion de zapatos pero que solamente los usa solo una vez sabiendo que hay gente que si los necesita.

    La persona que se ve en la imagen es una persona que hace sus zapatos pero solamente que no tiene tanto que poder hacer porque es solo lo que el encuentra.
    Estoy tratando de decir que esa persona que se ve en la imagen es por que no tiene dinero y que no sabe no tiene mas dinero.
    Pero la conclusion nadamas dice que no seas malo que des limosna a la gente que en verdad lo necita realmente en la vida porque si no das talvez tu algun dia pagara igual por algo por ser malo y todo eso de no poder dar limosna a la gente pobre.

  7. Jesus A. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:53:00 AM

    La imagen muestra , la oracion que dice demuestra que hay gente rica que solo desperdicia el dinero por cualquier cosa como por ejemplo compran toda la coleccion de zapatos pero que solamente los usa solo una vez sabiendo que hay gente que si los necesita.

    La persona que se ve en la imagen es una persona que hace sus zapatos pero solamente que no tiene tanto que poder hacer porque es solo lo que el encuentra.
    Estoy tratando de decir que esa persona que se ve en la imagen es por que no tiene dinero y que no sabe no tiene mas dinero.
    Pero la conclusion nadamas dice que no seas malo que des limosna a la gente que en verdad lo necita realmente en la vida porque si no das talvez tu algun dia pagara igual por algo por ser malo y todo eso de no poder dar limosna a la gente pobre.

  8. Jesus A. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:54:00 AM

    La imagen muestra , la oracion que dice demuestra que hay gente rica que solo desperdicia el dinero por cualquier cosa como por ejemplo compran toda la coleccion de zapatos pero que solamente los usa solo una vez sabiendo que hay gente que si los necesita.

    La persona que se ve en la imagen es una persona que hace sus zapatos pero solamente que no tiene tanto que poder hacer porque es solo lo que el encuentra.
    Estoy tratando de decir que esa persona que se ve en la imagen es por que no tiene dinero y que no sabe no tiene mas dinero.
    Pero la conclusion nadamas dice que no seas malo que des limosna a la gente que en verdad lo necita realmente en la vida porque si no das talvez tu algun dia pagara igual por algo por ser malo y todo eso de no poder dar limosna a la gente pobre.

  9. Jacqueline M 1st periodThu Sep 25, 06:57:00 AM

    The theme about this poster is trying to say that don't judge someone before you meet them. The theme means that if you see someone don't right away judge ,meet them but don't judge because like when I meet a person then a while past and they came up to me saying the ones thought I was mean but really I was nice I was surprised hey said this.How can she just say that to me I was so surprised.Also the other day I meet this boy in school and I thought he was mean but when I meet him he was so nice and a gentlemen.I told him and he laughed saying that everyone says that I said sorry and he said its okay and were still friends.The theme of the poster is for us to not judge someone at first sight.

  10. Jaquelyne R. 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 06:57:00 AM

    I think theme is that don't judge others by their look. This show that respect others and not to make fun of what they have. This person did not give up, he create what he can do his best. This is important message to shoe people that don't judge or make fun by their look.

  11. Enrique M 1st periodThu Sep 25, 06:58:00 AM

    I think the poster is about dont judge someone of how there body parts look like.sometimes you could hurts someones feelings.sometimes if you make fun of some one they will feel bad.Last time l saw a guy being judged in a bad way like "your worthless and no one likes you". I couldn't do anything because my sister would tell me"Leave him".And this person walks with a bad foot but still smiles.This teaches me that sometimes just don't judge some of there outside looks.

  12. Yaneht Castillo Period 1Thu Sep 25, 06:59:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is to have respect for those who don't have a lot of supplies and a home like others do. What this means is that there are homeless people out there who need a home,food,and kids who need an education. This also means that people in organizations make the best things that they can to help others, but sometimes it isn't enough. It appears that this man in the poster has to wear these water bottle with sticks that he made as shoes. I say this isn't fair, the way others don't realize there's something wrong in this world with many people. If I can have the chance to help others I would totally help but maybe my parents don't want me to but in the future I want to be a person who is able to give someone else what they need to live happy. People should respect and have compassion to these people who aren't living as well as others today.

  13. Moises b period 1Thu Sep 25, 06:59:00 AM

    The theme is that other people have a lot of thing to wear like shoes and like other things you can wear on your feet and like things that are conftabe so the theme is that some people want to have things you have but don't have enough money to buy what they want

  14. jackquelin perales 1st periodThu Sep 25, 06:59:00 AM

    The them to means that you have to appreciate what you have.I also think that the them is that you have to respect what people have and to not make fun of them.there are times when there is no money like the poor.

  15. osvaldo d 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:00:00 AM

    The theme is how you could see what they are mad or happy and how they are in there life. The message they want to tell use is that how people behave with other people and how they are and what they do.people always be trying to figure out what people feel so they go and find out

  16. Noemi V. Period 1Thu Sep 25, 07:00:00 AM

    I believe that the theme of this poster is to show us that before you judge someone, try to understand them what they're going through because we do not know what is going on in their life. People might judge people like this person with no shoes but they do not know what is the reason for him not having shoes and him doing his own shoes. The reason why we might judge this person is because he made his shoes out of bottles. Another example is the poster stating, " Walk a mile in his shoes!". This line is trying to tell us how we will be able to understand him which its by being in his shoes, be in his life, experience how his life is everyday. As conclusion, the theme of this poster is, before you judge someone, try to experience the life those people go through everyday.

  17. Freddy D 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:00:00 AM

    This message means dont judge someone by their personality or by the way they look. You shouldnt people by their personality or by the way they look because you dont what that person has been through.

  18. destiny rocha period 1Thu Sep 25, 07:01:00 AM

    He/she is trying to say don't judge people for how they look. He/she is trying to say if you judge people for wearing these type of shoes so he/she is trying to say that the person that is judging should go through what those people are going through by wearing those types of shoes. no one is better because they got shoes from the store just cause someone is wearing bottles and string for shoes who cares we are still all the same <3 these people that wear these things as shoes are strong they walk and run with these shoes to where ever they go, but i bet tha people like us couldn't stand a minuete in those shoes but then you go judge that person for wearing something that they can afford xc

  19. lizbeth 1 periodThu Sep 25, 07:01:00 AM

    I think this means that you should never judge no one because you really don't know what they have been through that why it said " before you judge someone walk a mile in his shoes "

  20. Nayeli R 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:02:00 AM

    I think the person that made this poem is trying to say that you shouldn't judge people on how they look or on what they are wearing.For example sometimes people when they see other people with something that they think is ugly they judge them.I think they shouldn't judge them because they don't know what situation they are in at home.For example they could be in a situation were they don't have enough money to buy some nice shows they might only have money to buy what they have.Another example of the message on the poster is sometimes people judge the homeless by saying there not really homeless they just want money for beer and drugs.I think people shouldn't judge homeless people like that because they don't know what there situation is or if they really do want the money for that or not.This is what i think the person that made the poster is trying to say.

  21. Nancy rodriguez 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:02:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate that never judge a person of what they wear and look like. A example that in life is "i saw a lady not wearing shoes walking on her feet,and i walked up to her and she was so sweet" that line its supporting the theme because the person that went up to the lady did not judge her right away. the person got to know her well and the lady's personality was so sweet meaning nice. A line that explains that explanation is "i got to know her better and she had a personality that i didn't know she will have". By that line it means that she got to know her well and did not judge her by what she looked liked. That is the large message about life that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate to the reader.

  22. Guadalupe Lopez 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:03:00 AM

    well i feel so sad because we have a bunch of shoes sitting there but we dont wear them and there is people
    that are making shoes out of leaves and string,some out of bottles and branches so it could be the shoes and some people say i want jordans not from payless and some people are so greddy what they don't notice's is that many people around the world don't have shoes or soxs or sandles

  23. Gerardo J 1st PeriodThu Sep 25, 07:04:00 AM

    The theme is not judging about how someone looks like.why,
    because if you look at the picture his has no shoes but plastic water bottles. people that are use to walking with shoes won't dare help someone that needs real shoes or put them on and walk for a mile with them. first, because you can get bruces on your feet by walking for a mile on plastic bottles. second, there not that big and can protect you if something falls on top of your feet. thrid, in winter you would have protection from the cold and snow and your feet will freeze or turn purple.last, is your feet will begin hurting with you walking with plastic bottles.

  24. Briana H Period 1Thu Sep 25, 07:04:00 AM

    I think that the message of this picture is that you can`t judge people before you pass through what they are passing through. Also, you can`t judge people because everyone does mistake, nobody is perfect. This is because I wouldn`t like anyone to judge me.

  25. leslie V 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:07:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is that dont judge nobody because of what they wear. My explanation for this is that theres alot of people that are mean to those who dont have shoes to wear.My other reason is that the people are poor and probably they dont have money to buy new shoes,and thats why they use water bottles to make them into shoes.One General example that i have is that i have seen people in the streets that dont have food,clothes and they're asking other people to help them by sparing a little money.I have seen people that they do help the people with money.

  26. CictlaliR1stperoidThu Sep 25, 07:09:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is don't stop just keep trying.The person who made this poster is trying to say look what his life like and he haven't given up. An example is the he has plastic bottles as shoes and maybe many blisters.Also maybe not even a home or family he knows about.The the person who made this poster might have seen in a situation like this and wants to show the world what is happening.One day i saw a homeless man asking for money and he didn't had half of his leg.This is why the theme is don't stop just keep trying.

  27. Miguel l 1st periodThu Sep 25, 07:15:00 AM

    The theme is that this person is poor and can`t buy sandals and he gets two water bottles and a string and makes sandals but I am so sad because some people get mad when they don`t get what they want and think of all the other kids or people in the streets that they have no money so what i think is they should help poor people and have a shelter to live in and eat and for the kids have toys and new cloths.

  28. Alex Tapia 1periodThu Sep 25, 07:35:00 AM

    the theme of this is respect and compassion,because their no need to start to judge people right way you should see want they go though life first.think about what you say before you say it what if that was you. instead of judging you should be helping.there was this one time were i was walking somewhere when i notice this kid who was wearing torn clothes i said his mom
    was cheap to buy him clothes when i saw his mom going though the trash looking for cans i was judging someone before i knew his life.

  29. The theme " Before you judge someone walk a mile in they're shoes" means you do not know what they have been through so do not judge them by the way they look.

  30. The theme of this image is that you shouldn't judge a person based on what you see but what you know.

  31. EduardoV 3RD PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:10:00 AM

    I believe the theme of this image is that ,when u look at someone u can say a lot of things of them until u put ur self in their shoes and be like"wow!This is not the way i described him."This means that no one should be judged by the book of their cover.Exp.The image looks like a male African that has no money or hasn't taken a shower in days probably weeks.He has no home or any good clothes that r not ripped.But maybe if u see them in person ,they might of been female ,with a home made of paper cartons but they don't have food and she is skinny or a pump to take a shower. I believe the the theme of this image is don't start describing people without what they do for a living or where they live or also their race.

  32. Javier R 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:12:00 AM

    The theme is to learn how that person lives and does things before you just go like "look at that guy, I could do what he did better if I was him." because in fact, some have a very hard time in life and we should respect them and be glad in what you have now. one example is when I saw my sister working in which I said "I can do better than you" in which she gave me some of her problems which I never understood so I gave up.I also remember a time when I was reading a book called "after the holocaust" in which I tried to imagine how that will feel in which I had horrible dreams about the book in which I felt glad the holocaust was over 70 years ago.

  33. francisco M period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:13:00 AM

    the theme of this is 'walk a mile on his shoes' and see what he suffers.U should never judge someone on his looks.Instead help them by giving them change or a dollar.Know and days people got job with a house and all the things to survive.That is why you should be nice to the people u see that are home less.Because they are wishing right know to have a place to live in like u.

  34. Christian V 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:14:00 AM

    The theme of this picture is that you should never ever judge someone by their looks, personality, characteristics, or even their race. You never no what they had gone through over the past years and Im sure you wouldn't of had wanted someone to mistread you in a way that they had gone through. You gotta treat someone the way you would wanna be treated. You need to have respect and compassion to one another because we are all equal in this world , and we all have rights.

  35. Fernando M 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:14:00 AM

    One day I was walking with my mom we were going to the store.Then we say a homeless man.Me and my mom just say him we didn't said nothing.When we came back to from the store we say the poor man with all his stuff on the ground when I say him I felt really sad.Then we noticed that his only food that he had was on the ground too.Then we decided to give him the change we had which was only $1.00 and he said than you.Then we saw other people helping him too.They gave the poor man food and helped him to pick up his stuff.

  36. Brayan R 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:15:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is to tell the reader to not judge someone because you may not know what they been through. once i was walking by it was close to shield school and I saw this guy waiting there all sad and hungry plus his clothes had holes so I walked by and gave him 5 dollars and he thank me for that. this connects to the poster because i didn't judge the way he dress, look, and smell I wanted to help him by giving him money to eat. I show compassion to him, and so did he.

  37. Daniel R 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:17:00 AM

    What I say the theme is that you should not judge somebody if you do not now them well. Just because you saw them once you think you now them they may even have a harder life then you. So meany people wish that they have the things that we have like we may have education but they might not have one. The little things that do not mean allot to us mean allot to the people that do not have it.

  38. Cesar A 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:17:00 AM

    The theme of this is poem is that you shouldn't judge someone if you don't know them. I say this because one time I saw a homeless person when I was going to the clinic and he was dirty and he had an old jacket. I think that it will be wrong to judge him by how he looks because most people don't know what's going in life or what he has experienced before. I saw him under a tunnel with his mattress just sleeping on it on the side walk. My dad said that he should have brought food from the house because we had to much at that time. He said that because he had respect for the man under the bridge. Therefor I think the theme of this poster is that you shouldn't judge someone if you don't know them.

  39. Michelle R 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:17:00 AM

    The theme of this message is that everyone has a problem in there life, you should always respect those who have nothing on there palms. It's trying to make you understand that not everybody lives in a mansion, as those poor people wish to be in. For example one time I was going to pick up my mom from work and in every corner I saw homeless people raising a chart above there hands saying " I need help." It always touches me when I see homeless people that have nothing to eat and even rarely something to wear. They sometimes have to even go to dumpsters to look for food or necessary supplies. I think if you see someone falling down in life, just help them out because I bet you that it will make you feel good. Another example is one day I was coming back from school and saw this women with ripped clothes, chopped of teeth, 10 coats above her, and her hair was really messy. I saw her for almost a year, and when I did she was always smoking and I wondered where she got the money from if she was homeless, always begging for money in which she never got. One day I gave her $2, it was all I had. She said " Thank you, sweet heart." and since then I've never seen her. I don't know what happened to her, she just disappeared. So that is why I think it's important to respect others because I doubt you would want to be in there shoes.

  40. Omar O. 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:18:00 AM

    The theme is showing not to judge people if you don't know their story. For example this one time my mom and I
    where walking to the store and we saw this young guy asking for money. I thought to myself why does he not just get a job I mean he is young. But I still gave him money. Later that day I was thinking that should have never came to my mind I don't know what happen to him or he has been through. Another example was when my family where driving to go eat. We saw a guy with out a leg and I thought to myself has he been trough. I wondered what would I do without a leg.

  41. The message the author said is "before you judge someone, walk a mile in his shoes" this means that people now a days judge so quickly with out knowing what position the person is in. Every time I walk to the Gloria there is this one poor old man, sitting down & looks like he hasn't ate all day. Once i'm out of the store any change i have left, I let the old man have. I gave him enough, so he can at least have somewhat of a breakfast/dinner/ or lunch. Another man I see begging for money is an old man at Pete's, this guy looks so tired and worn out. Many people pass by with a purse and tell him "sorry, I don't have money." I don't know what the world has gone too. I'm a generous and compassion guy. So every time i get out, I give him a 1 buck or two.The reason I do this because I can tell that their in a tough position i would like to help every bit I can. I give them respect because they're at least trying to make money.

  42. Daisy V Period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:19:00 AM

    I believe the theme of the person who made this poster was to not really judge people by the things they do or how they look until you know how it feels to be where they are. For example, if there was a person who was begging for money because they didn't have any food or water and they had on dirty clothes i think people should give them a little money to start them off with. I believe this because even if you aren't in that position yourself, you can somehow imagine what those people go through. Like in the winter when they don't have anything to keep them warm or when they can;t afford any water on a hot summers day. Another example is when kids get picked on at school for what they wear, they may have on old shoes and not the fanciest clothes, but you don't know that maybe their parents are tight on money at the moment. The kids that pick on other kids because of this don't know what's really going on at home because they were never in that position but also should have never started to pick on them. This examples show that others shoulden't judge people by what the look like or what they wear because you never know how hard they have it in life. This is why i believe the theme of the person who
    made this poster was never to judge someone until you go through what they go through.

  43. The theme of this image is that you shouldn't judge a person based on what you see but what you know.

  44. Michelle L. Period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:19:00 AM

    I think that the theme that the person who made the poster is trying to say is don't assume things too early because you don't know the persons life. An example of this is a lady walking up to a man. He was wearing expensive clothes. She thought he was a rich man, but in reality he was struggling to feed his children. She told the man if he had any spare change, but he didn't but she thought he did so she took one of his bags of food. Another example is in school. The most good looking person school and the most popular might not have a popular life outside of school. They might be abused in home or even be struggling on keeping their house. In conclusion the theme of this is don't judge the outside appearance of a person.

  45. Alejandro T. 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:21:00 AM

    The theme of this is to help someone in need by taking the trust if there is a flashback in your own situation. I have noticed in some moments on the street, there are many poor people that need change that wants food, drinks, shoes, clothes, and entertainment since this happens all the time. This was important since usually I don't judge others of how ridiculous or poor they are, I look at them to find that they're in a tight situation and should help since my family members faced that. That situation is just so bad being homeless and all, but some suspicion is to rich and poor when I'm not going to end up being so stingy and rude to the public, I would rather be in the average so there is way to help when there is a shortage of equipment being needed. People ask for things since there are many innocents in a fever, need something to starve, or to get some materials for some schools that are very low to get anything.Sometimes in the streets, there could be some lies that causes someone to be tricked since there has to be specific thoughts to think if that person is poor or not. I have been through what the other people's shoes have been, there is many memories of that situation to come back when there to needs to be help instead of ignoring and not being very cherish to others.Since that is a rule to give to the poor, I will follow that rule when that situation will be needed in the streets, the train, or any place.

  46. Aylin O. 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:29:00 AM

    What the theme is trying to explain is that if you don't know the person and you are already judging by their looks, you should stop because you don't know the story behind them. What if he or she has been through a lot ? I remember this one day when one of my friends was judging a new kid in school in a bad way. But then when they both started talking in class, they became friends. My friend found out that the new kid wasn't as bad as she thought. That is an example of what the theme is trying to explain.

  47. Diana A 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:29:00 AM

    The theme that the person was to tell me was to not judge someone if you don't know them because you don't know what they been through or know anything about them. Like when I went to down town and I saw a homeless man I gave him a dollar. He thanked me and I said your welcome but has I left my friend told me why did I give him a dollar when he can work. I told her that I didn't care because I'm helping him and that she doesn't know what he probably been through that made him homeless. Another thing that I remember when this message happened in my life was when there was a new girl in 3rd grade. She was shy and know won talked to her except me. People though that she was weird but I didn't. I got to know her and I think she is coo, funny, and talks a lot. Now other people got to know her they liked her to but I was her best friend until she moved away. The point is that you should try to to get to know the person or thing before judging.

  48. Daniel B period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:30:00 AM

    The theme means that if you don't know what the person has been threw, it doesnt give you any right to judge them.
    I can relate to this when I judge someone and I didnt know what that person had been threw. This person looked stuck up and didnt talk to no one. But when i got to talk to him i found out that he was just shy and turns out that he was actually pretty cool.

  49. Teresa Escoto 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:31:00 AM

    The theme that the person tried to communicate through this poster is you should never judge someone that you don't know, because you don't know anything about their life and how hard it is for some of them. The person that created the poster wrote "Before you judge someone, walk a mile in his shoes!" saying that you can't really judge somebody, because of their appearance or for being poor, since if you were in their shoes you wouldn't be judging or laughing about them.
    Just like how one time there was a poor kid in my 2nd grade class and she had to wear the same dirty uniform every day and the boys would always make fun of her and tell her stuff, until one of the boys dad lost his job and couldn't afford anything else, so he had to do the same thing as her and wear the same dirty clothes everyday, after that he never said anything to her more than "sorry."

  50. jorge c period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:31:00 AM

    i think this poster means that you never judge a book by its cover. That means that you should never judge someone by how they look or wear. Cause you never know if he had a bad pass. like if he had a disease that did not let him work. so were can he get the money.

  51. Berenice G. 3rd PeriodThu Sep 25, 10:32:00 AM

    I think the large message that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate is that don't judge anyone if you don't know what they been through. There was one i was sitting at the kitchen & there was something that was getting my attention the magazine that was right next to me . As I open the magazine there was a story about this little girl who decided to get bald and donate her hair to ones who have cancer. I respect that . One day my grandma , my brother & I was sitting in front of my house and this old man was walking with a box selling of tamales. He told us to please buying him some , that he really needs money . So my brother and I decided to buy him some tamales . I felt bad and compassion.

  52. karla M 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:33:00 AM

    The theme is"Before you judge someone ,walk a mile in his shoes ".I think the theme means to never look at someone way different and make fun of them when its someone that lives in the streets. One day I was passing by a lonely street and saw so many people with no shoes , some had water bottles on their feet. I felt bad at that time, so I asked my mom" Mom why don't you give money to that old man with a cup on his hand"?? And she just answered back " I don't like giving money away , because this money ,I have is to maintain you's four'',She said that and that it was because those kind of people didn't care about their life , that the only thing they wanted was a cigarrate and alcohol. So that's when all of this came to my mind as I set on the car seat, I have always wanted to give them money or either buy them food from a restaurant. But it was almost impossible , because my mother wouldn't allow me to give them anything. But now i've learned something, that has come into my mind, it was to pray deeply whenever I saw a homeless person. I prayed because I wanted them to have something good in their lives. I hoped that someone helped them get a work and a home with enough food and needs. I still do does things.So whenever you see a homeless guy "Don't you ever dare to laugh at them''..

  53. DalilahV3rdperiodThu Sep 25, 10:33:00 AM

    The theme of this poster is don't judge someone because you don't know what that person is going threw at home. I remember one day i was at school getting ready to go to my next class this girl was talking to her friend about this other girl they dislike. They said some awful things about the girl they dislike. Someone over heard them talking and the started to spread rumors about that one girl they disliked. When it got to the girls ears she was upset of the fact that everyone knew what had happened. They never knew what was the reason it had happened so therefore they didn't have the right to go spread rumors about that girl. She didn't want to come to school because she didn't want people talking about her. I also remember the time i was on Facebook when this girl posted about this other girl she had problems with they said things that people should of never knew about her. People that went to school with the girl spread things about her because of one post on Facebook. People never knew why the things that had happened in her life had happened they said bad things about her. The girl didn't want to go on Facebook because she was scared that people were gonna send her messages and comment bad things on her pictures. In my opinion people should talk about people at all. They should just keep there mouth shut.

  54. Daniel P 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:34:00 AM

    The theme of the poster, "walk a mile in his shoes", is that. you are judging people that can't do the thing that other people can do. or you might have something that other people don't have.for example a person begging for money. a person with a shirt with holes and dirty pants i fell bad i give him a dollar he's happy.people sometimes needs help because they can't do it by them selves they need some person to help them.

  55. yamil galeana period 3Thu Sep 25, 10:35:00 AM

    For me this me this means that before you judge some one for his skin color or what he wears you should think what he been through. Would yo like been fun at of what you look or how you look. For example do you want someone to be racist to you probably not want that. Then don't do it to some one else.

  56. lilian z 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:38:00 AM

    I think that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate to us is that you shouldn't judge a person by how they act because you don't know what they been through. My experience is that one day my mom and I were walking down the street.There was an elderly man selling Tamales.He told my mom to buy him his Tamales because hes been out all day long trying to sell the tamales and nobody would buy him his food.My mom bought him a dozen of tamales while the other lady who was also there told her kids not to look at him because he was bad. My second experience was that there was a little boy and his clothes were dirty.He was asking other kids for money so he could buy food or a toy to play with and all the kids did were run away and scream ''hes dirty''. That's why I think that the theme of the poster is that you shouldn't judge someone by the way that they act because you don't know what their life was in the past.

  57. lilian z 3rd periodThu Sep 25, 10:38:00 AM

    I think that the person who made this poster is trying to communicate to us is that you shouldn't judge a person by how they act because you don't know what they been through. My experience is that one day my mom and I were walking down the street.There was an elderly man selling Tamales.He told my mom to buy him his Tamales because hes been out all day long trying to sell the tamales and nobody would buy him his food.My mom bought him a dozen of tamales while the other lady who was also there told her kids not to look at him because he was bad. My second experience was that there was a little boy and his clothes were dirty.He was asking other kids for money so he could buy food or a toy to play with and all the kids did were run away and scream ''hes dirty''. That's why I think that the theme of the poster is that you shouldn't judge someone by the way that they act because you don't know what their life was in the past.

  58. lamar carter 4th peoridThu Sep 25, 12:08:00 PM

    the theme is that never judge something or someone until u experniced it or really went through it your self because mayble u will not not see the other side of the rainbow

  59. Uziel P. 4th PeriodThu Sep 25, 12:10:00 PM

    The theme of the poster is to see how i struggle in life. Maybe this person is trying to teel us how they struggle in life and how we criticize them they fell bad.Maybe we should think before we speak in life so other people wont get hurt

  60. Appreciate the things you have in life and don't take everything for granted.

  61. one day i sow a women asking for money to feed her daughter. i gave her five dollars to her for her daughter. I never regretted that lend of hope and happiness. That is why i think the theme of this is respect and compassion. even thought i never walked in her shoes but i know that must feel bad to have to worry about food for the next days months, years,etc...

  62. Jazmin G 4th periodThu Sep 25, 12:16:00 PM

    I think the theme of the picture is to not judge somebody that you don't even know. The man in picture is suffering because he doesn't have proper shoes and people judge him when they don't know what it's like to be in his position. This connects to my life because i once saw a homeless person asking for money on the street. I felt bad for him so i gave him 5 dollars , the smile on his face was precious because i never seen somebody so happy for 5 dollars. Also this also connects to my life because my mom saw a person asking for money and she gave him 50 cents because that's all she could give him, even though he only received 50 cents he was the happiest person at that point. My point is that people shouldn't judge people or talk about them when they don't know what its like to be in that person's place. You also should be grateful for what you have and not ask for more. At least you have a roof over you, food, clothes, a lot of people don't have that and people should think more about them than themselves.

  63. Jaden T 4th periodThu Sep 25, 12:18:00 PM

    The theme of this poster is to not judge someone about how they look. Read between the lines. Like one day their was this old lady she had nasty cloths and teeth like a dark yellow. so i went up to her and gave her five dollars. she smiled and said i'm not poor i'm just waiting for a friend of mine.Another thing is.... I was at the store and their was this old lady. She was in line waiting to buy her food. All she had was a water and a big bag of chips all.All of that was worth three three dollars. So as she was paying she only had a dollar and couple of change. My mom felt bad because the old lady look mad and sad, so she gave her three dollars.The lady look confused like she just won the lottery. But she said"i'm not poor i just left my twenty in the car. So my stories are showing how you never should judge a person by their color.

  64. lamar carter 4th peoridThu Sep 25, 12:18:00 PM

    you should never judge what u see unless u been in its shadow and went through it as they have each story is a person it has a begining and has a end like every one else those who look down on others really have bigger people looking down on them the world is not a bad place some say its some love it but like every one we all want to live the new clothes, eat the best food, live in a nice big house but we always have that chance to dream but some never see the other side of the rainbow.

  65. I think the theme if this is don't judged book by its cover. The reason I think that is the theme is because you may look at someone to be a creepy weirdo tying to do something to you but in reality the poor defenseless man is poor and is probably trying to ask for some spare change. I actually went through the same experiance once I was walking through my block with my mom and she had gotten scared because there was a creepy old man coming near us. She right away grabs her purse but, really that old man was just lost and wondering how to get to his location. So in the end we helped the man and showed him were he was.

  66. Michelle S 4th PeriodThu Sep 25, 12:43:00 PM

    I think that the theme of this image is to appreciate what you have in your life because not everyone has what you have. One hot summer day in Chicago, I remember walking to La Gloria for some tortillas. There was this man, he was just sitting on the stairs of an apartment. People walked by and gave him weird faces. they talked about him, they laughed at them. They made fun of his clothes, his dirty face, ripped and dirty clothes. So I went to buy my tortillas, and had about $5.00 left. I saw the paletero man. and I wanted one because it was so hot outside.but I decided to give it to the man because he needed more than I did.
