Sunday, April 17, 2011

Extra Credit Blog Entry

Hate crimes like what happened to Emmitt Till still happen today. This shows us that not all groups have complete rights that we are entitled to as humans. Many times, some of us have engaged in hateful behavior without thinking about it. Watch the video below (you are going to have to do it at home or CPL because Youtube is blocked by CPS). As you watch the video, how does the teacher connect the phrases "that is so Jewish" with the phrase "that is so gay?" Talk about a time in which you have said or heard someone say "that is so gay." Why was it said and how did you react? What is the message that the phrase "that is so gay" gets across about being gay? Explain and refer to the blog expectations for full credit.


  1. The teacher connected thats so gay and thats so jewish are because when you equate thats so gay with something bad and equate thats so jewish with something bad your doing the same thing.One time when the phrase "that is so gay" was used was at my friends house. It was used because one of my friends wanted to watch something on t.v and my other friend wanted to watch something else and one of my friends said that his show was so gay. I think that my friend said "that is so gay" to my other friends show just to say that his show was stupid. When i heard that i didn"t say anything. I did't say anything because i always hear that saying. I think that the message of the phrase "that is so gay" is trying to say that being gay is stupid. I think this because "that is so gay" is used when someone feels that something is dumb or stupid. I think that people say the phrase without really thinking it means something. So, that is the message i think that the phrase "that is so gay" is trying to get across.

  2. Melissa Garcia 302Mon Apr 25, 04:23:00 PM

    I feel that using the pharase "that's so gay" is like bogus. Because why would you use that if your like unsulting well i think your insulting the gays. Like just say what you mean with gay. I've heard people say that's so gay but, i don't do nothing about it. Like they say it trying to mean that boring or stupid. Yet i wonder whynot use those words instead of something someone can be really offended. Imagen a gay person walks by, we know your not beeing mean but, they might take it that way. So thats how I feel.

  3. AlondraM.!(:302!Mon Apr 25, 04:41:00 PM

    I think that he connects the both phrases because they are both very affective to two kinds of people 1 is "that is so jewish" which they say means that you are being cheap and it might affend the jewish religion and the phrase "that is so gay" that they say means the same thing as "that is so stupid" might affend the gay people and he connects them because they are practically the same thing. like last time we were in the library with my sister her gay friend and my little brother and the gay dude picked up a book that he thought would be interesting and showed it to us and my little brother said "dude put that back ,that book looks gay!" and it looked like the guy's selfesteam went down right away but it wasn't my brother's intention to make it sound like that. after that day my sister's friend never came with us anywhere when my little brother was around.I don't think it's right or okay for people to say neither of the phrases not even playing around because you never know how other people might take it.

  4. EAlamillo :) 302Mon Apr 25, 07:04:00 PM

    People who say "that's so gay" just say it because that's what many people say or maybe they say it because they are trying to say that something is dumb or weird. When people say "that's so gay" I think that its kind of strange because seriously i don't get why.I think that the message about the phrase "That's so gay" is trying to get across from something being gay is that If you say "That's so gay" like in front of someone who's actually gay they will be offended because they think that by gay u mean dumb or weird. That making them feel bad because they think that you mean all gay people are dumb and weird.Unlike one of the guys who said that he doesn't think that people should say anything when someone says "that's so gay". I actually think that people should tell them to stop because they wouldn't like it if it was them. In the video when the teacher said that some one he was playing with said "that's so Jewish" and that compares to "That's so gay" because it's insulting them because they are just different.

  5. Jennifer Martinez 306Wed Apr 27, 03:53:00 PM

    Th teacher said that when he was going to play basketball, one guy said "that's so Jewish". Which they refered to as cheap. The connection he made was that he had to make a decision whether or not to say something about it. Today people also have to decide if they should say something when they hear the phrase "that's so gay". One day i was with my cousins and we didn't know what to do. Then my little cousin came and said we should play tag, my other cousin then said "that's gay". I didn't think my cousin would've said that to my little cousin but he did. I think the message of the phrase is that being gay is like doing something wrong. Which shouldn't really matter because that's what makes a person unique.. when they're selves and not like everybody else.

  6. JocelineRodriguez306(:Wed Apr 27, 04:45:00 PM

    The Phrase "that is so jewish" Connect With The Phrase "that is so gay" Because Saying "that is so gay" Is Making Fun Of The Jewishe People , And That Can Really Hurt There Feelings , & Saying The Phrase "that is so gay" Is Making Fun Of The Poeple That Are Gay. Like In The Video The Teacher Had Said That Why Is It Necasery To Say Something Like That , When You Can Just Say Something That Woun't Hurt Nobody.
    One Day I Did Sayd That But , I Never Realise How It Can Hurt People Because I Know Some People That Are Gay Dont Care If They Call Them Names , Its Just Like They Are What They Are. If People Say Stuff , They Can. I Know Its Bad Saying That , But Most Teens Woun't Care , Its Just A Phrase ; But By Seeing In The Video I Learn That It Will Hurt Those Who Are.

  7. When I first herd “that so gay” it was because a guy wore a pink shirt so another gay said “that’s so gay”. There was nothing wrong about it a man can like a pink shirt cause it looks nice on them. “That’s so gay” can be discrimination just because someone is gay or looks gay. I think “that’s so gay” can be said in another meaning to not hurt someone feelings if there really gay. “That’s so Jewish “is not the same as “that’s so gay “because gay is a discrimination to others who are really gay. That’s so Jewish is not that bad but probably some Jewish will take it wrong. I conclude that there should not be a person who says “that’s so fag” there nothing wrong about it. If your not gay we should have respect to them and to “that’s so Jewish”.

  8. The teacher connect the phrases "that is so Jewish" with the phrase "that is so gay?" in a offensive way to some its not something positive to say because some people might not like it.A time in which I have heard someone say "that is so gay" is when they want to say a comment about something in a negative way.I didn't care a bout the comment because i never thought of it as offensive. the phrase "that is so gay" gets across that being gay is something when they say "that is so Jewish" like its bad i say its bad because jewish have been kill for being jewish so it a bad thing.

  9. The teacher connects, “That’s so Jewish” to “That’s so Gay” by telling the students an example of what he felt, when some of his friends used the phrase, “That’s so Jewish” in front of him, when he was Jewish. My cousins and I were talking, we were talking about something, when one of them said, “That’s so Gay.” They said it in a way that didn’t really matter. After he said it I didn’t know how to react. At first I knew he meant no harm, but I started to think and I thought that to him it might not seem like a big deal, but it might be a huge deal to another person. The message that the phrase “That’s so Gay” gets across is nothing because people don’t use it to mean gay they usually mean to use it as stupid. In the video, many of the students thought that, that little phrase can lead to big things. One girl talked about how that is what made the Nazi party gain so much power. One little thing can lead to a huge thing. (The working group) I believe that the phrase, “That’s so gay” can lead to people getting their feelings hurt and to bad things happening.

  10. The teacher connects "that is so jewish" and
    "that's so gay" by saying that they both are refered as to say something rude/bad.Phrases as such can offend ("in this case") Jewish and gay people.I one time heard a student tell another student "that's so gay" refering to a comment they had stated.At the time I didn't think anything of it,so I just stayed quiet.Now knowing that it may and can offend others I could have at least let them know how rude it may be.When people say the phrase "that's so gay",they usually mean "that's so stupid." Some gay people might take it as an offend that they are stupid.Or they might think that people think they are stupid for being gay.My point is that the phrase "that's so gay" can be taken in many negative ways.Just as the teacher and students explained.Some people may think nothing of little phrases like that when they state them.I guess what the video's point is to inform us of how a "little" comment/phrase may not be a big deal for us,but it can be for others.

  11. filimon villegas 306Wed Apr 27, 08:46:00 PM

    I was chilling once with my friend, he had ask some dude that if he was gay.The guy was really gay so i told my friend not to say it like that because it was bogus.He had told me it didnt matter the guy was gay either way. i told him the guy was gay but not to say it like that because some gay guys find it afencive and if the guy wanted he could have took it racis to him self. the teacher was connecting the phrase "thats so jews" with the phrase "thats so gay" becasue just casue he is jews doesnt mean people should use that againts him. and just cause people are gay doesnt mean people should use that againts them to.

  12. JessicaPelayo 303Thu Apr 28, 01:40:00 PM

    The teacher compares the phrase "That is so Jewish" with "that is so gay" Because he says that it both offends people and we should speak up when someone says it. And because it has nothing to do with what they are really trying to say.Like when we say that is so gay we mean that is so stupid or that is so lame. What does that have to do with gay? Nothing. Because when i say it I mean it's not to my attraction. It's not to offend gay people or anything like that. When I hear someone say "that's gay" I don't react in any way because im used to it. Like said in the video sometimes we say it and were so used to it and we don't realize it. I don't know how I would feel if i were gay and people would say that. And maybe I would get offended but I don't do it with the intention to hurt anybody else and I am not against gay people at all.I believe its just a "slang" word that has no specific meaning.

  13. ChristianMeza room304Thu Apr 28, 01:55:00 PM

    a time i heard that was with my friends and they were talking about a homework assignment and one of them mentioned how that was gay. my reaction toward this was i started laughing even though it was the wrong thing to do. the phrase "that is so gay" just means something is stupid,weird, or something you dislike or hate.

  14. The teacher compares "that is so jewish" to "thats so gay" by saying that when people say the phrase thats so jewish is like saying that something is cheap or something like that.Once i heard a friend say "thats gay" when he heard a song in the radio.From my viewpoint i think he meant it in a different way.A way that it wouldnt offend the people who are gay.I didnt say anything when he said that.I think i should have done something.I believe that people should do something to stop this "thats so gay" phrase because its offending someone and people are not noticing.

  15. Will people always say thats so gay. But it got kinda old and people dont say it tht offten anymore. I don't think people say it any more because some people find it really offense. But every time i would hear it and i would just say dont say that,thats not rite.The other reason i think people dont say tht anymore is because some people might have friends or even famliy members that are gay so they dont want to offend them in that way. I once saw a advertment saying "thats so gay" and some people got so mad and started to not like that saing.And other prollay stoped it because they wanted there safety because if u say that the gays feel like puching u in the face. I never really got the saying but now that i am older i get. And i dont say it anymore , yes i admitt i used to say it all the time. I think that boy only said it so seem kool beacause i know some people only say stuff like that to get other people to laugh at them or sometime to annoy people. Like now in the 8th grade people say yeeeee buddy just to act cool or sometimes to make people mad. I hate that saying to when tthey say it i get mad but its 8th grade if they know u hate it they will do it more and more offten than usally. So those are the ways i react and somepeople do to. =)

  16. Miguel Arroyo 303Thu Apr 28, 07:56:00 PM

    In the video the teacher compares that's so gay to that's so jewish. They both have different purposes but he said that it was like the same thing because peple are hurting someone elses feelings. Him that beeing a jew is interseting because we also were learning about the Holocaust. Also Iv'e said "that's so gay" too many times and well im not proud of it. At first I thought it was just a phrase but now I know how other people see it. The last time I said "that's so gay" was perhaps yesterday while playing xbox live. Someone was talkig about a song I didin't like and well I said "that song is gay". After I said it I was not proud of it you know after watching the video...I felt awful. Now the only message of "that's so gay" is just like saying "that's not cool or that sucks" it has nothing to do with gay peole but I guess it does offend them.

  17. well what the teacher said about the jewish is that they didn't think about the word gay and they didn't care about that word.when i heard that word ''gay'' it was in this park.I went to the park with my cousin b/c we were going to play soccer.when this other guys for saying this park is so gay.then me and my cousin we said ''oh wow is just a park''. me and my cousin were bystanders b/c we didn't do nothing about. it was not right because how about if a person that is not normal will get mad b/c they are not normal and they heard that word ''gay''. Because of what happen me and my cousin were bystanders.

  18. My older brother George always describes things as 'gay' when he means lame. I never really paid attention to the meaning of it like now, I've always seen the word 'gay' as lame, or dumb, or stupid. I've never seen it as a a group of real people. People don't know how hurtful that word can be to gay people. Sometimes I hear the word 'retarded' used for lame, stupid, or dumb. I think people shouldn't use retarded as a adjetive either to other people, because retarded is also known as disabled. It's so disrepectful to not only the person you call it to, but the people who are actually disabled, or differently abled. Like one time, I was at Zumiez with my older brother, & there were these shoes I pointed out, & he was like 'Uh, those are gay' So I thought to myself, oh, there ugly, or lame. I never thought that 'oh, those shoes are really gay, & like certain types of people, & actually have real feelings' It's the same thing as saying 'ew thats so jewish' you're making fun of people, & you're putting them in a negitive catorgorie. Gay, differently abled,& jewish people are human, not adjectives.

  19. Well based on the video i have heard in my other school say ''that's so gay''and sometimes i think liked what the point of view saying'' that's so gay'' so that makes people think you are being races and being stupid by saying that word liked seriously whats it point of saying it.Well in my school kids saying and some really get offended so if you dodn't liked it whats the point and it's word that you can't regret again after you said it.And that no importance about saying instead of saying differently and then saying ''that's so gay''.Sometimes you discriminating gays so if not being embarrased so instead of saying dodn't really saw it .And people get the nervous about the word.It really didn't like people talking so if i reacted again i will leave the person or group and dodn't be part of their discrimination when you are saying it and wouldn't like to be said it to you .Well in my words,the phrase of ''that's so gay'' is not nice and funny because maybe you are saying to a person or laughing about when you make me that or not so really wouldn't like to heard it againg and making other people feeling bad and maybe get murder their selves with sometimes that make really a big deal with other people hearing it.AND a good message will be not to say it and more whe you have gay friends.IF YOU DODN'T WANT TO BE HEART PLEASE DODN'T SAY IT BECAUSE THERES NO POINT OF LAUGHING ABOUT AND HUTING KIDS FEELINGS.!!!!!AND KIDS ARE VICTIMS OF YOU .

  20. The teacher teacher connects the phrases "that is so Jewish" with the phrase "that is so gay" by the two things are offensive to the people who are Jewish and to the people who are gay. I said and heard someone say thats so gay once. I didn't react to it when i said it or when i heard it because when i said it it was just like a joke and also when i heard it. I think what the message that the phrase "thats so gay" gets across about being gay is nothing because i dont think it offends gay people that much because most of the time people say it is because they are playing around.

  21. the teacher's phrases 'that is so jewish' and 'that is so gay' and both things were offensive to the people

  22. also i would think that ,the students in the video and the teacher are mtrying to make sence and explain which is "that's so gay" which is wrong that people think is offensive because they are not actually blaming it on people that really are gay.Also that that saying the about comparing with jewish people can also be offensive .which is on discrimination is in this conversation also
    i think that is wrong that people say it but then it makes sence that somebody hears that they say "thats so gay" that person will fell offencive .which is what i think. that people play like that but then some people you dont even know get hurt .this is what i think.

  23. DianaMunoz:D 303Fri May 20, 01:07:00 PM

    i think its kinda offensive how their saying to people thats so gay. i wonder why we use a different word instead os yousing "gay". Imagen a gay person walks by, we know your not beeing mean but, they might take it a way that you dont mean. An then they could take it seriously.
